Chapter 7

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Anodien sat beside her half-sister Minaethiel at the dining table, filled with every kind of fruit and vegetable. Usually, the She-Elf was with her husband Gili halfway across the Undying Lands. However, she'd come with him for a council, so it was quite serendipitous that the sisters were able to spend time together. Anodien absently played with a peach, lost in thought.

"Nodi? Anodien!" The Faeling was startled out of her mind to see Minaethiel looking at her expectantly.

"Sorry, what?"

"You were staring off into space, gwathel. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's..." Wrong. She felt the vice of the lie begin to close around her throat, preventing speech. "It's alright," Anodien avoided. I won't say what 'it' is, and I know she'll take it that I'm alright. However, Minaethiel wasn't fooled.

"I saw that," she snorted. "What's with you trying to lie?" She drew away, a hurt expression on her face. "I thought you cared about me."

"I do!" Anodien insisted. "It's just a personal problem. Don't worry about it." Minaethiel scrunched up her nose.

"Let me help."

"Minaethiel, there's no need."

"I will find out, and I'm not going to be happy."

"Well neither am I!" Anodien's voice echoed around the wooden room, and she flicked her ears. She hadn't realized that she'd begun to shout. Minaethiel raised an eyebrow, lifting a golden goblet of wine to her lips.

"I figured as much," said the golden-haired Elleth, setting it back down after a sip. A red stain remained above her mouth, which Anodien wiped off with a cloth. "Anodien, please tell me." Her blue eyes pleaded with her sister. The Faeling sighed in defeat.

"I'm a coward," she muttered, lowering her head. Minaethiel furrowed her brows.


"I'm a coward," Anodien repeated, louder this time. "I'm a coward, Minaethiel."

"You're not a coward," Minaethiel denied. She paused. "Why would you think that?" Anodien shifted in her seat, unwilling to reveal it. "Whatever it is, I'm sure I can help you, Nodi."

"No, you can't," Anodien huffed. "You don't understand it."

"Try me," Minaethiel challenged. Anodien fixed her silver-green eyes on her younger sister.

"You really want to know? You'd care about a singular ridiculous problem I have?"

"Of course I do," Minaethiel promised. "I won't judge you, gwathel." Anodien hesitated, but realized she had no way out.

"I bowed out," she finally said. "I didn't tell him."

"Didn't tell who? Didn't tell what?" the She-Elf prodded.

"I didn't tell Legolas I... that I loved him," Anodien whispered. "I was right there, I wanted to tell him..." Minaethiel widened her eyes, a smile creeping onto her face. A joyful chuckle burst from her throat, and she wrapped her right arm around Anodien. Pulling her close, she held her sibling in a brief tight embrace.

"Anodien, you realize I know you love him? I've known for years, gwathel." The Faeling shot a glance at her sister, surprised. "You didn't realize it yourself, but you loved him the second you met him. As for you not saying a word... that doesn't exactly shock me." Minaethiel patted Anodien's arm sympathetically. "I know you were hurt. You don't want to go through that again. But you know what? Love is worth the risk."

"What do you know about any kind of risk in love?" Anodien snorted grumpily, crossing her arms.

"When I had to tell Gili I loved him, it was beyond difficult. I was worried he didn't feel the same, especially with us being..."

"Elf and Dwarf," the princess murmured. "Of course, he was never going to find anyone better than you. How about when Gili almost killed you because he couldn't control his îr?!" Minaethiel sighed at the outburst, a tantrum she was familiar with.

"Gwathel, you need to let that go. It's been an entire year. Besides, you wouldn't have a tiny nephew now... and I'd have gladly given my life if it had meant my baby would have one of his own."

"Your choice in a husband--"

"Anodien, stop avoiding the topic." Anodien winced at the perceptiveness of Minaethiel. "I think that it's worth the chance. The way Legolas acts around you... I don't think he'd deny you." Anodien thought back to everything he'd done for her, from calming her when she had a fit of anger to staying with her through all of her sadness.

"Do you think so?" the Faeling whispered, allowing herself to hope. "You really think so?"

"There's no doubt in my mind, nin gwathel," Minaethiel replied, her voice full of surety. Anodien closed her eyes as she imagined telling him, his arms wrapping around her, his lips meeting hers...

Without waiting another moment, she bolted up and ran outside, overturning the bench. From the floor, Minaethiel gave her one last shout. "That doesn't mean you have to leave right now!"

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