Chapter 17

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Le hannon, nin veleth. (Thank you, my love.)

A, Valar! (Oh, gods!)


Legolas leaned in, kissing Anodien strongly with all of the passion he could muster. She returned the loving motion after a moment of shock. They separated, and Legolas held the She-Elf tightly.

"Thank you," she whispered into his ear. He felt the shoulder of his tunic begin to grow wet as she shed happy tears. He regretted being unable to truly reciprocate her feelings, but he cared for her enough to bring her happiness at his own expense.

"Anything for you," he told her truthfully. He kissed her hair and drew back, a calm smile stretching his lips. "You should get some rest, Anodien. I'll come back to check on you in a few hours." The Faeling hesitated, then dipped her head in acceptance and laid down on the bed.

"I love you," she called after him as he walked off.

"And I you." He extinguished the brazier providing the light in the room.

The next few weeks passed quickly, Anodien recovering faster with Legolas by her side. He didn't tell a soul about the secret biting at his heart, only ensured that Anodien was not unhappy whatsoever. Anodien didn't suspect his manipulation, which was exactly what it was, despite the good intentions behind it.


"You've mended! Oh, my sweet Anodien!" Legolas laughed, lifting the Faeling up into the air and twirling her around. "By the gods, I'm so glad you've pulled through!" The prince slowed down. Anodien's cheeks lifted up as she smiled, and she bent forwards to kiss him squarely.

"I'm only here because of you," she giggled. The princess embraced him fully, joy in her heart. "Thank you for saving me." Legolas' eye twinkled mischievously, and he placed her down on the ground.

"You live to fight another day."

"As I live to fight you yet again." Anodien let out a breathy chuckle. "Isn't it silly? I shunned you for so long, and I could have just confronted you about all of this." The Elf stiffened, and Anodien twisted her head curiously. "Are you alright?"

"Of course." Legolas lifted her hand and kissed the slender fingers. "All that matters to me is that you're happy and safe." Anodien gave him a small smile.

"Le hannon, nin veleth," she purred. Legolas shut his eyes, preparing himself for the next big step. His heart panged as he recalled the last time he had performed this ceremonial question, and what had happened thereafter.

"Anodien?" he queried, looking the princess in the eye. "Please... will you do me the honor of staying by my side for all of eternity, until the sun goes dark and beyond?" Word for word, he asked her what he had asked of Tauriel. Anodien covered her mouth, stopping a squeal. Legolas smiled genuinely, having never seen his dearest friend so happy.

"A, Valar!" she cried out joyfully. "I could never deny you, Legolas!" The Faeling threw her arms around the Ellon and rested her head on his shoulder. "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart." The prince began to run his hands up and down Anodien's sensitive back, glad that he'd brought her back to the light. A spot of guilt covered the light of the moment.

"Of course, Anodien." I only wish I could truly love you as you deserve.

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