Chapter 13

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Anodien's feet took her along the grassy path to Faellond. Night was falling, and wispy clouds began to cover the moon.

She had no companions, and by consequence was left alone with her thorny mind. The princess found herself torn between what she truly desired and what she wanted to believe. Not a second passed that she didn't fight herself for loving him, and her steps became heavier.

"You're such a fool," she grumbled to herself. "You should have known." Nobody wants your heart. Nobody would care to listen, to love you.

His denial of me may as well have killed me. Her mind began to twist what had truly happened. Instead of her silence and his reveal, she had poured her heart out while he laughed at her. He laughed at my tears, at how I wanted to be loved... just once in my life...

"Milady!" Anodien whirled her head around to see a lone Fae on the road. He seemed familiar, though she couldn't place where she'd seen him.

"May I help you?" she asked coolly, waiting for him to catch up to her. The Fae had long silver-blue hair and golden eyes that bored into hers with a predatory gleam. She immediately raised her defenses, wary of any movements he might make.

"You can, actually," he chuckled, drawing an iron knife. The hilt was covered with leather, allowing him to hold it without harm. "You can die, Fireborn!" He slashed at her, barely giving her time to get out of the way. The Faeling grasped his arm and tied it behind his back, her long teeth an inch from his throat.

"I'm not such easy prey," Anodien snarled, taking the blade from him and pressing it to his neck. He groaned in pain as the iron burned his skin. "Who is your master?"

"What makes you think I have a master?" he challenged. "I'm not the only one who wants you dead, but I answer to no one." The Fae arched his back. "You and that Elf have many more enemies than supporters. He will die within the hour..." Without waiting for another word, Anodien slit his neck, and metallic-looking blood spilled from his open throat in an endless waterfall. He gurgled as blood choked him, and Anodien tossed the blade aside as his struggles stopped.

Legolas is in danger. What do I do? Panic filled her, and she hated the softness that lapped at her heart. I mustn't run to him yet again. He listened to my cries and walked away... He is the lowest scum on this or any land.

Anodien stood at the decisive crossroad, heart and mind battling over the choice.

He is the reason I have fallen so low.

He brought you more joy than you have felt in years.

He also created more pain than I've ever felt!

All of your strife was created by you, Anodien.

It was not! I would do anything to rid myself of this agony! You think I want this?! It was cruel of him to leave my heart beating when he was the only one I have given it to!

You must return for him.

He deserves no loyalty from me!

He never intended to hurt you.

He sat there and laughed as my heart broke!

You know he did not. Legolas does not even know your heart was broken.

Doesn't he? The eitha has avoided me for weeks, since he spoke of his precious Tauriel!

No, Anodien, you avoided him. If you met his gaze, you'd look away. You burned everything he'd ever given to you.

My future is empty because of him!

No, Anodien. It is empty because you have made it so. It is dark and loveless because you never tried.

What do you mean I never tried?!

After he spoke of Tauriel, you never attempted to win his heart. He became the villain in your story, and you gave him up without a fight.

I fought for him... I did...

No. You did not.

I don't want to go back.

Then you are leaving him to die.

... I don't want to be hurt anymore.

You don't have to be. Return to him, try to fix your broken path.

I can't. He will never accept me again, especially not after... what I did.

There is no reward without risk, Anodien. What will you do now? Continue to cry, to say, "Woe is me!"... Or will you fight for him? Will you save him?

To save him... My love may be unrequited, but that does not mean he should die.

That is your choice?

It must be.


Anodien whirled around and strode back the way she came, her mind clearer than it had been in what seemed like an eternity. She felt fear fill her veins, feeling like lead. Her steps became faster and faster as she pushed herself. At last, she had a purpose, and it released the chains around her. I will do whatever it takes to rescue Legolas, even if it kills me.

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