Where The Light Leads

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Has anybody ever believed in destiny?


She was the class clown; he was the quiet kid who sat in the back of the room. They were polar opposites in every sense but it seemed like nothing could change what destiny has decided.

Nicomaine always sat three seats away from the door, just a little bit off to the left of the teacher's desk right at the very front of the room. It was the perfect place for her–it was close to the center of the room and she had full access to their teacher's desk and everyone (literally) everyone could see her from any place in the classroom. Her antics was in full view of anybody who dared turn towards that direction, her bright face a welcome distraction to anybody who wanted to laugh. It was who she is–she wanted to make people laugh, she wanted to make people smile. She was Nicomaine and everyone knew her to be the girl who made the sun shine even when it rained.

RJ sat three seats from the back of the room, right beside the classroom's windows. He would've preferred to sit in the farthest corner of the room but his poor eyesight {no thanks to computer games} made him reconsider. From his seat, no one bothered him and he had the perfect view every time he turned to his right because he could see darling Nicomaine perfectly from where he was. He would see her flash a smile his way and sometimes, he would smile back.


He thinks she's beautiful and charming all on her own. When she cracked a joke, he would find himself fighting off the urge to laugh loudly, lest everyone look at him in shock. He would always watcher as she animatedly told a story, her eyes wide and her hands flailing all over the place, seemingly acting out all the things that happened. RJ found her amusing and it didn't help that maybe... just maybe, he had a little crush on her.

She didn't tell anybody about this but she always takes a peek at the boy sitting near the back of the room. She found him alarmingly handsome especially when he smiles and his dimple appears on his left cheek, or when he runs his fingers through his hair and it sticks up all over the place. He wears glasses; thick, black, plastic ones that make him look like a more realistic looking Clark Kent. He seemed to hate it though because he would always pull it off, slipping it in his uniform pocket. She oftentimes found herself staring at him even more when he did that because well, she thinks he looked even better without it.


The graduation party was in full swing and everyone was enjoying the festivities. The colored lights were streaked across the gym floors, the loud booming of the bass rattling the doors and windows of the building they were in. RJ was not a fan of parties or anything loud but they were graduating high school and he figured, he might as well go for their last hurrah.

He was looking for his friend Kristoffer when he saw her. Nicomaine–beautiful, funny Nicomaine was standing off to the side of the gym alone, a bottle of water clasped in her hand. Seeing as there probably won't be any other time for him to do this, RJ decided to approach her even when his knees felt like they were going to buckle under his weight.

Nicomaine looked up just as he was approaching, smiling softly as he stood in front of her. She raised an eyebrow as he wrung his hands together, nervously shuffling his feet as well.

"Are you okay?" She asked, reaching out to grab his arm and steady him. They both gasped when they felt their skins touch, a bolt of electricity flowing through them. He smiled, cocking his head to the side.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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