~Meet my family~

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You woke up early the next morning. You looked at the clock. 7:29. "N-Now that I'm up. I probably won't be able to sleep..." You whispered to yourself, while yawning. "You're awake." A husky voice said, while yawning. "Oh. D-Did I wake you up?" "No. I've been awake for awhile." "How long?" "Probably an hour." "Oh. Okay." You got up from the bed. "Get ready. You'll meet my 'family'." "Okay. Do I have to dress fancy-like, or...?" "Just yourself. Be and dress like yourself." You nodded. You grabbed your f/c sweater, that didn't cover your shoulders (not revealing too much) Jean shorts shorts (again, not revealing too much. It goes to your finger tips.) You grabbed your f/c socks, Converse, bra, panties/underwear (whatever you like to call it!), and a towel. You end into the bathroom and stared the water. You stripped and got into the shower.

~10 minutes later~

You walked out. While brushing your hair. "Cozy much?" "You said to dress and act like me and all." Crossing your arms and smirking. "You're right. I did. You're lucky that's not too revealing." "Huh?" "N-Nothing." He said giving you a perverted smirk. "H-Hey. Don't l-look at me like th-that!" He chuckled at your your shout of embarrassment. "I'm not gonna do anything." You giggled. "Okay, I believe you. For now." You said sticking out your tongue and blushing.

~Later on~

You two were walking in the woods. He shifted closer to you. And closer. And closer. Until your hands were touching. He grabbed your hand. You blushed lightly. "Is it alright?" You nodded. He blushed a deep scarlet. About 10 minutes later. "My legs hurt. How much further?" "About 10 more minutes." "Ugh!" "Whoa! B-BEN?!" He picked you up and put you on his shoulders. "You're pretty light. Just wait. Okay?" You nodded while blushing madly. He was holding your legs. And your hands were on his shoulders. 'I wonder if it bothers him...' You thought. "No, it doesn't bother me." "W-What?" "I knew you were thinking that." You nodded.

~10 minutes later~

He set you down. He put his hands in your shoulders and said, "Before we go in there, I want you to know. I... Am a... Killer... I'm sorry if it frightens you. But, I live with killers. As long as they know you're mine. They shouldn't, and WON'T hurt you. I love you. But, be yourself and you will fit right in. Kay?" "Well, before we go in. I have to say this. This doesn't make me love you any less. And if hey do try to hurt me. I know you'll be there. And if you're not, I think I could hold them back. But question. When you said something about me probably revealing to much, why? They don't... Flirt alot do they?" "...They do." "I think you get it from them." You said giggling. He rolled his eyes playfully. He smirked. You both went inside. There were alot of people in the living room, and kitchen. You stopped dead in your tracks. They looked at you. BEN wasn't by your side any more. You looked around and noticed. He was in the living room talking to a few people. You guess he thought you followed him, you were standing there for awhile. You shook your head. And walked towards BEN. "H-Hey BEN." "Who's the hot chick?" A guy said, he looked around the same age as BEN. But was a little taller and had a carved smile. "Shut up Jeff." "Hey~ Want to come in bed with me?" "N-No th-thanks." "It looks like we have a shy but hot chick. HOODIE/HOODY!! MASKY!! I THINK WE FOUND YOU BOTH YOUR LOVER~~~!!" "W-What?!" You said. You saw the two boys in the kitchen come into the livingroom. You guessed the one with the hood with red stitched eyes and a stitched frown was Hoodie/Hoody, and the one with the white mask and feminine lips with black holes carved in it and eyebrows was Masky. "H-Hi." "Hello, I'm Masky. And this is Hoodie." "I can t-tell. Nice to meet y-you two." You smiled brightly. BEN was just staring at you. You guessed he was thinking. "H-Hi. I'm H-Hoodie/H-Hoody. N-Nice to meet y-you too." Hoodie said shyly. "It's nice to m-meet you t-too. I can tell I'm n-not the only one who is sh-shy." You could tell they were smiling behind there masks. "BEN, you alright?" He was blushing. But he looked a little mad. He grabbed your arm and pulled you away from them and pulled into the hallway. '~Jealousy~' was the first thing that ran through your head. "Don't flirt with them, understood?" "BEN. If you're worried I'll like someone else, then you're wrong. I love you, and you only. And quote on quote, 'It's called being friendly. No, I'm not flirting'. He hugged you. You hugged him back and he said, "They flirt with alot. Of people. Especially you. You're cute, funny, adorable, happy, and they're right, YOU ARE HOT." He said chuckling. You bit his arm lightly. "Hey. Don't bite me. Or do you need a punishment~?" He said, you shook your head no. He pinned you against a wall. And kissed you lightly. You kissed back. You were blushing like crazy! You wrapped your arms around his neck. You could feel him smirk. You giggled between the kiss. That's what broke the kiss. "That wasn't much if a punishment. It was more like a, treat..." You said. He grinned. He gave you a perverted look. "I'm not ready BEN. If that's what that look on your face is saying." He pouted and put his face in the crook of your neck. "Pwease?" "BEN. I'm sorry, but no." He moved his head away and said, "I'm not gonna force you. Tell me when you're ready. Kay?" "Kay!" "I see BEN has himself a girlfriend. No need to get to frisky. Specially when Sally is in the house." A boy with brown hair, chocolate eyes, orange goggles, a mouth guard, and a turtle neck that was black and brown. "Ticci-Toby. What will we do with you?" "I don't know." Ticci-Toby walked up to you taking your hand and asking you, "Do you like waffles?" "I love waffles!" He grinned. Pulling you into the kitchen. "Hey, y/n! I'm gonna talk to my boss. You have fun with all the new friends. Don't try anything~" "I won't BEN."
I swear peeps. This is probably the most I've typed in this story! Thanks for everything peeps! I love you guys! Bye bye! 😜
_________________________________________ Last but not least. I will have some other Creepypasta's be in the story. Kay? I love you peeps! Bye bye!

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