~The Prank~

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"D-Don't call me princess." "Why not? You afraid BEN is going to think that you like me instead of him? Or that you'll fall for me?" "You're right. I am afraid of those. But I have nothing to be afraid of cause, I like you as a friend. And, I love BEN. He was there for me when I needed someone the most. I just met you. And your pretty cool. Let's keep it that way. Kay?" He nodded. "You're no fun. Why- I HAVE A PLAN." "What kind of plan?" "We can prank BEN to thinking that you like me, you flirt, and then I hug you. He walks out the door. And sees us. He's mad. I laugh. You tell him it's a prank. He believes you. And it all gets back to normal. He shouldn't use it against you in the future." "Okay. But if he does, I'm f***ing killing you."

~Putting plan into action~

"Hey Dark. What's up?" "Nothing much. What about you Babe?" BEN walks in... "Nothing much. Just trying to find out where BEN is. I bet he's busy playing video games. Want to ask Slender if I can share a room with you?" You said twirling your hair with your finger. "Sure. Anything for you Babe." He smirks while putting his arms around you to hug you. You knew BEN was there. But you didn't expect what happened next. "B*tch." He growled while stomping away. "Why did I listen to you about this f***ing prank?!" "Wait BEN! IT WAS JUST A PRANK! I FEEL NOTHING LIKE THAT TOWARDS DARK LINK! I SWEAR!!" He turned around and said, "I know. You guys talk too loud." He chuckled. "You... Pranked me. But yours hurt me... You called me a b****..." "I'm sorry. It was a part of my plan. I heard you guys talking about it. Just wanted to see you triggered." He said hugging you. And kissed your forehead. "But that was too far BEN!" You said punching his arm lightly while you buried your head in his chest. "At least mine worked." He said chuckling. "Meanie." You said pouting. "You're childish." "A-Am n-not!" You said crossing your arms walking way headed towards his room. "I mark this territory! I own our room. I am queen!" You shouted taking his hat running from him the second you took it. "Y/n! Give that back!" "Never!" You said laughing. Once you go into the room. You climbed up the bunk bed. And hid under the covers. Peeking out, "Found you." BEN purred. "U-Um... Whatcha going to do now?" "I'm going to punish you~" He said smirking. You looked at him questionably. Then it hit you like lighting. "No." You said. He tackled you and pinned you, while kissing your neck. Then he started to suck on your collar bone. Then he trailed up and down your neck. You let out a small moan. 'F***!!' You thought. He found your sweet spot. "I found it~~~" He purred. He gave you a hickey. You looked at him. He kissed you before you could do anything else. He pulled away after awhile. Saliva trailed from you both. "B-BEN. WHAT THE HECK?" He laughed. He removed his hands from when he pinned you down. You sat up, "Now. That. Was. WAAAY. To. Far." He chuckled. "Now I have to find something to cover up the hickey. BEN, you pervert. What will I do without you?" "I don't know." You kissed him again before jumping down the top bunk landing on your feet. Almost stumbling. You blushed like crazy during the "little" make out session. You were dark RED. He was a light red. You grabbed a scarf. It was winter. It made sense. Dark Link, which you didn't notice there, said, "You should try to. Some of us could get suspicious." "When- The?! What- When did you get in here???" "The second you jumped down the bunk bed. I didn't see anything." He grinned and winked. You rolled your eyes. "Whatevs." The scarf was f/c and was designed with f/d. (Like polka dots or stripes is what it means!) You put it on. It was a little cold in the room. It covered up the hickey. You sighed. "I'm beat." You said flopping onto BEN's bed instead of yours. And you put the covers over you and drifted of to sleep in just a second. ~~~~~~~~~~~
Hey peeps. I wanted to say, sorry it's kinda short. I actually blushed myself making this. LoL. I hope you love it. I love it. Bye bye! 030

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