Chapter 5

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At Breakfast:

Laura's POV

I made everyone breakfast as the rest of the family came down to help set up the table. They are so nice! During breakfast, I saw Riker staring at me. "I have to use the bathroom" I said, and walked up to the bathroom, before I put my hand on the knob, some one grabbed me and pulled me into their room. Riker, was all I thought.bI turned around, and standing there was the old famous Riker. "Riker! I have to use the bathroom" I said, and I turned to knob, but he turned me around, and kissed me! I tried pushing away, but his grip was too strong. I guess Ross came looking for me. He saw I was pushing away, so he pushed Riker down, I ran downstairs into Rocky, and started bawling into his shirt. He pulled me into the kitchen as everyone gasped. I got a bunch of "what happened?!" and "are you okay?!". I finally spoke up, "I was going to the bathroom, and I was pulled into Rikers room by Riker. He k-kissed me forcefully. Ross came in seeing I was trying to pull away. They started fighting as Ross screamed "Go laur! Run!" I ran down here, into Rocky, and he brought me here." that was the final straw. I was sobbing into Rydel's shoulder and Ratliff, Rocky, and Ryland gave me bear hugs. Rydel pulled me up to her room with Rocky for extra protection from Riker, and locked the door. I never expected Riker to be so..... angry, or forceful. Ross knocked on the door, so I opened it letting him in. All he had was a bruised arm, and a cut lip. "What happened to Riker" I asked. "Let's just say he wont be able to walk for a while" he smiled, and I laughed but frowned.

Laura: Ross?

Ross: Yeah, Laurie bear?

Laura: Why was he bothering me? O never expected Riker to be so..... creepy and scary.

Ross: He.... he had a break up. Her name i forget. It started with a V. She broke up with him. I guess he is angry at her and you look sorta like her.

Laura: So he took it out on me?

Ross: He cant get over her. Her name is........

-Find out in chapter 6-

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