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Hey guys, I need someone who will help me for my cover (pout 😚), will anybody here lend a hand? Please...🙏
I will truly appreciate it...:-)


Ashleigh automaticaly become aware of her surrounding and her face burn with embarassment when she realized her classmates are looking at her questioningly.  When he called again, for the third time, she cut him off.

"-sir", she called with her hand raise a little. 

He look at her with furrowed brow for a second before asking, "Are you okey Ms. Galvez?".  The irritation in his voice gone but the look he gave her told her he knows something.

"Yes sir...just um..thinking something...sorry", she answered nervously and look down.  She can't stand looking at his eyes, she might get lost in them again and she can't afford to embarass her self more.

After checking their attendance, the hot professor stand up and walk confidently to the center to introduce himself.

"Good day everyone.  I am Mr. Ford, your Marketing professor from now on.  As you know, Mr. Parkson is not in good condition right now so his family decides to let him stop teaching so he can rest and hopefully, restore his good health." 

He spoke so smoothly that Ashleigh can't help but felt like he's talking closely only to her.  She almost get lost again but his eyes met hers and she can't help but blush a little knowing he caught her staring.

The class then continue and she can see her classmates, mostly girls, ogling at him.  Did they understand anything he's saying?  She doesn't think so 'cause even her understand nothing because everything about him is distracting.  When she turn to Lizzy, she almost burst in laughter of her friend's face.  Eyes dazed, mouth open and hands folded in her chest like imagining she's holding something tightly closer to her. 

Oh no, this class is helpless.

She thought with a little shake of her head and tried to concentrate on the lesson despite the very destructive man discussing in front.

When the bell rang for the end of class, she needs to nudge Lizzy to wake her up from her dream.

"Hey Lizzy!  Stop fantasizing the board woman!" She speak a little louder with a hard nudge and that's when Lizzy came to her senses.

"What's wrong with you?  I'm at the part of my fantasy where Mr. Ford almost kissed me and you just have to break it?" Lizzy ranted while following her outside.

They're already a few steps away from their locker when someone bumped Ashleigh.

"Ouch!"  She shriek and look at the idiot who bump her.

"Really Travis?  What's wrong with you?" She snapped, immediately annoyed at his face.

"Hey there Ash", Travis smirk and it annoyed her even more.  "I know you still want me Ash, so why not take me back?  I still care for you, you know."

She felt a shiver down her spine hearing those words from the bastard infront of her. 

"Sorry to burst your bubble Travis, but I don't want you back.  In fact, I had never wanted you to begin with.  You were just a game I so wanted to play so I can smash that egotistical head of yours.  I'm not some girls who you can fuck around with to win some bet, but surely, I am the girl who dare to dumped you to win some bet."  She said with proud for herself and disgust for Travis. 

It's a public knowledge that no one can dump him.  Hump and dump.  That is Travis game and Ashleigh happens to be on his game plan but lost his game for the first time. 

"You thought you're better than them because you dumped me?!"  Travis retaliate angrily.  "Huh! You're just some girl to me bitch!  I will make sure to fuck you senseless to prove to you I'm not one to mess up with."  He said threateningly with jaw clench tight because of controlled rage.

Ashleigh feign fear but deep inside she's also in total rage.  It kinds of bother her too, but she can't find it in her to be afraid of Travis, though she knows his threat are not to be ignore with, but maybe, the fact that she knows something about him make her feel more confident and fearless.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so afraid Travis.  Please don't do anything to me."  She mockingly said with slight exaggeration and Lizzy can't help but snort at her side.  She almost forgot she's there and that there were some students listening to them.

"Mock me 'til you want bitch.  Just keep watching your back because the next time we see each other, I won't be easy on you anymore.  You're nothing but some pathetic whore who has no one but this slut of a friend", his voice was cold and he look at her with so much hatred.  Before he could turn his back on them, her palm collided with his face loudly and she clearly heard the gasp of their expectators. 

Nobody dares to crossed Travis, but then, she's not just some nobody.  She has the upper hand in this game because she knows everything about Travis and his family though she is certain Travis had no idea about it.

"Then do what you want asshole.  I am not afraid of you.  Let's see who win this game this time.  You only knew what everybody knows about me but then, it doesn't matter, I know you too well to not be threaten by someone like you.  Do your thing Travis and I'll make sure you'll end up at a curb or in jail with your pathetic excuse of a parents."  she looked at him with cold eyes and her voice was hard and emotionless.  She saw him flinch and eyes widen with fear and panic, but the rage he felt for her intensified.

Hmmm...serves him right.

She thought with a smirk and a hint of challenge in her eyes.  He opens his mouth to say something but someone beat him to it.

"Is everything okey down here Mr. Jackson? Ms. Galvez?"  It's their hot prof, Mr. Ford, who walks towards them looking confuse and intrigue.  When he turns to look at Travis, he saw the panic and fear with controlled rage in those eyes and Mr. Ford turns to her questioningly.

"We're good Mr. Ford, just some petty argument, right Travis?", she asked with a knowing look of triumph which she knows makes him more furious.

"I'll see you again soon Ashleigh", he answer with edge in his tone then walk off without acknowledging the prof who stand curiously with them.

The words may seem nothing but she heard the threat behind them.


A/N:  I hope you guys like it despite the distasteful cover.  Anyway, this chapter focus ont Travis and Ashleigh on how they treat each other after she dump him.  Though, it's kind of harsh, but there's no action between them in the future.  Just keep on reading to find out their past relationship and how Ashleigh will get rid of Travis.  And Mr. Ford! Yeah, he kind of middled their fight, will he know the truth? 



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