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She heard voices from afar, it's Lizzy.  She can't make out what she's saying but it is clear that she's talking to someone in her phone.  She grunted and what happened earlier flash back to her.  Everytime she was having that dream, she always ended being suffocated.  There were also times where she find it hard to breath and sometimes, she has chest pain.  But it rarely happened so she didn't worry of it that much. 

"Ash, thank God you're awake!  I was so damn worried about you.  You haven't been this worst before, I thought I'd lost you!" Lizzy was crying and hastily hop to bed and hug her tightly.

"Liz, can't breath.." She grunted and Lizzy pull away and mumble a sorry.  "I thought I died too." She said quietly.

"You fainted and I thought you stop breathing.  Thank God Devz was here, she brought a small paper bag for you to breath in."  Lizzy's face was full of relief but she knows her best friend is still worried about her.  "Ash, I think you need to see a doctor.  It's not the first time you have this and this time, it was worst than before." 

"I'm fine now Liz, it's nothing serious.  You know it just happened during this time of year."  She said dismissively and when Liz was about to speak, she beat her.  "C'mon girl, we only have less than an hour before class, haul your lazy butt up!"  She get up and feel a little dizzy but try to ignore it and straightened her self.  She doesn't want her friend to worry more about her. 

She cleaned up herself and get dressed.  She put some light make up on to cover the paleness in her face.  She look like crap but at least, her make up help a little.

"Liz!  Hurry up!  We've only got twenty minutes late!"  She called from downstairs.  She pulled out an apple from the kitchen and pick up her house key and walked out, meeting Lizzy at the front door.  The dizziness is still there and her head felt heavy but she tried to ignore it and appear normal infront of her friend.

They reached school in less than ten minutes and as they walked to their locker, they meet Mr. Ford who walked confidently towards his classroom.  Their eyes met and suddenly, she felt conscious.  She wanted to break the contact but she can't, as usual, she got hooked She o those eyes again that glisten with mischief.  She hardly lower her gaze when they neared each other.

"Hi Rei...", he greeted teasingly at her with his trademark smirk before acknowledging her friend, "Lizzy, hi."

Since when did he authorize himself to call me Rei?  She thought with her brow raised at him.  He just smile mischievously at her.

"Hi there Mr. Ford!" Lizzy replied jovially.

"Good afternoon sir..", she replied lamely with emphasis at the last word.

He just grin at her knowingly but never broke the eye contact.

What's wrong with this guy?  Why he keep on staring at me that way?  Does he know how much those eyes affect me?  Dammit.

"C'mon Liz, we're going to be late." She tug her friend's arm.

"I have to go as well.  Bye Rei, see you later", his voice was teasing, and before he walk off, he wink at her and chuckled with her wide-eyed reaction.

"Dammit.  Why am I turn on with his sexy laugh?"  Lizzy's eyes follow him 'til he disappeared into the classroom.

"C'mon Liz!  Wipe that drool off your face!  It's disgusting!"  She throw a feign disgusted look at her friend and proceeded to their locker.

They reach their classroom just as the second bell rang.  She tried to concentrate on her class despite
being haunted by those beautiful eyes and annoying smirk of their prof.  Though still feeling light headed, she did her best covering what she felt by sitting up straight and appearing to be on focus.

Too occupied with her own thoughts, she jumped when the bell suddenly ring.

"Shit!  Damn bells."  She cussed silently.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!  Distructed much bessy?"  Lizzy asked playfully.

"Shut up bitch!"  She slam her friend annoyingly, mindless of what she's feeling right now.

"Hey Ash, you've been quiet?  Are you sure you're okey?  We could go home you know."  Lizzy asked, worried with her silence and recent attacked.

"I'm fine Liz, stop worrying now, will you?"  She tried to sound convincing but she knows Lizzy can see right through her pretense but glad that she didn't push her too much.

She tried to take her mind out of her dream but instead, it kept flashing in her vision that she started hyperventilating.  She tried taking deep breath and do the mantra in her head.

Breath in, breath out.  Inhale, exhale.  Inhale, exhale.  Relax and calm down girl.  That's it.  Inhale, exhale.

Just when her breathing started going back to normal, a frantic voice suddenly bring her out of her world.

"Rei!  What's going on?!  Are you okey?!"  Mr. Ford's worried tone make her breathing almost stop again.  But in a different way. 

There was something in his tone and the way he called her name make her shiver and relax at the same time. She heard the panic and worry in his voice and she can't help but felt somewhat happy that he cared for her.

"Dammit Rei!  Will you talk to me?!  What happened to you?!" 

That was enough to bring her focus back.  She tried to assess what's going on around her and that's when she notice that all her classmates were staring at her, with different looks in their eyes.

When her eyes landed in front of her, her breathing hitch and she thought she will be out of focus again.  Who wouldn't?!  Those beautiful chocolate orbs were staring right through her, laced with question but full of worries.

"Uhm...sorry guys.  I was just a...I was kind of having a..." she stammered.  She was not going to tell everyone about what happened and she wasn't going to be an open book to any body, more so to the handsome prof in front of her.

"Sir, I think Ash needed some fresh air, would you mind if I bring her at the back for awhile?  She's okey, she just need a little air, right girl?" Thanks to her friend, always the life saver.


"Are you sure you're fine Rei?" Mr. Ford asked with concern, still crouching in front of her, mindless of the other students around them.  He was still worried, but more curious this time. 

"Yes sir, I'll just have a few minutes and we'll be back here soon.  Thank you."  They then get out of the room and go to their favorite place in the school, the backyard.

She felt relieve and relax afterwards.  But Mr. Ford kept popping up on her mind especially when she remember the exact same place they talked just this morning.

"I can't let this to happen Liz, I can't let him get through. "  She sound pained and frustrated.  Lizzy knew what she meant but this time, she wanted her best friend to be happy.

"Sometimes in life Ash, you need to lay low and just go with the flow.  You need to rest your self, and just let things work on their own.  Give your self a chance to be happy Ash, you deserve that after everything you've been through."

She let her words sink in but keep her silence.  She needed to think.  Things have started getting out of hands and she doesn't know what to do with it anymore.  She had to do something.  Sooner or later.


Oh yeah!  It has been years since my last update and I am so sorry about that.  I just kind of busy with my life but now, I already have all the time.

So that's it for chapter seven guys...

Please do read, vote and comment..😉


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