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I have been calling Brylle for hours but he refused to answer his phone and later on, decided to turn it off.  I really do not know what to do with him anymore.  I don't want to go home but I also don't want him to celebrate his birthday alone.  Besides, my nightmare has got worst and it starting to eat me.  I don't want him seeing me like this.  Only five days left, he will be turning eighteen.  And only three days left, I will be back to where I always be  since I was eleven.  Darkness.

Two days ago since the last day of class this year and since then, I kept my distance from Mr. Ford no matter how hard he tried to talk to me.  I just asked Lizzy to tell him that I am truly fine and that he should not bother to talk to me right this time.  I know it has something to do with what I've told him about this season and with what happened to me later that day, but I'm really not in shape to deal with people right now especially that I have a misunderstanding with my brother.

I decided to go to the diner and spend a little time there, hopefully to clear my mind and make a decision on what do, if I should head home or continue being a selfish bitch to Brylle.  Lizzy was there anyway for her last day shift so at least, I have someone to talk to.

Pulling into the driveway, I've seen a guy who also park his bike a couples car away.  But I am not in the mood for guy hunting this season, so I just headed straight to the diner and order a hot chocolate and a burger.

I took a seat near the window and look outside while waiting for my order when after a minute, someone seat in front of me.  I turn my head only to see Mr. Ford seating there comfortably, also waiting for his order.

"I thought I wouldn't see you after the break.  I'm glad that we got the time to talk since you kept avoiding me this past few days",  he stated lightly but I already felt so uncomfortable since I am not dressed well.

Damn!  Of all time I have to see him, he chose to show up where I am only in sweats and a plain tank top.  I haven't even brush my hair and I look like a mess!

"Cat got your tongue Rei?"  He smirked.  But despite his playful aura, I can tell his studying me intently.  He might have noticed the circles around my eyes which I haven't bother to cover with concealer. 

"Well, I haven't expecting you to see here either Mr. Ford", I said a little nervously.

"Mr. Ford?  Have I told you before to never call me that when we are not inside the campus?" He asked with raise brows.

"Well, you're my prof and I am just being professional here," I state nonchalantly and shrugged, though I can't help the smile that started to form my lips.

"Oh, we're getting professional now?"  He smile amusingly.

Damn those killer smile.

"Uhuh..." I simply nodded.

"So, you mean to tell me after those holding hands and you sharing something private to me, we're getting professional now?  As in like, just now?"

"Oh!  Seriously?!!"  She felt her face heat with his bluntness. 

Does he really need to remind me that?

"Ha! Ha! Ha!  You're more beautiful when you blushed like that."  He was laughing at her but the adoration was clear in his eyes.

"I really hate you right now!  I think I have to go!"  She stand up abruptly and snatch her unfinished food.  But was stopped by him.

"Nope!  You're not leaving me again Rei.  C'mon!  I'm sorry, just really love seeing you smile."  He said gently.

Oh!  My heart! 

"Fine!  But you're not going to tease me again, sir."  She said teasingly with a smile.  She can't help it.  It's Mr. Ford afterall.

"Deal!  But stop calling me sir or Mr. Ford." He said a bit seriously.

"Fine! Fine SJ."  I said teasingly and smile widely at him.

"Oh!  I haven't introduce myself to you formally right?"

"Uhmm...I think so.." 

"Well, my name is Steven Jace Ford, my friends and family call me SJ."  He said lightly and offer his hand for a handshake.

I slowly shake his hand and tried to hide my smile.  Too late for the introduction, right?  The handshake last a few seconds longer and I tried my hardest not to pull my hand away.  His warm, rough yet gentle hand is giving me tingles and sparks.  I felt comfortable yet a bit nervous by just holding his damn hand!

"So...Jace...", I said while slowly pulling my hand in the process, not sure how he would react, me calling him by his second name.  He smile and raised his perfect damn brow in question.

"Well...can I call you that?  Ah..I kind of like the sound of it and I think it suits you."  I then slightly lowered my head 'cause I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Yeah?  How could you say that it suits me?  Does it scream hot?"  He smirk and wink at me, a mischievous glint was evident in his sparkling eyes.

Damn!  Why did I said that again?  I silently cursed myself for telling him that.  I felt like a grilled tomato right now, shit!

"Ha! Ha!  You're blushing real hard! Why you kept blushing around me Rei?"  He was fucking kidding me!  He laugh right in front of my face!

Damn this asshole for embarrassing me way too much!

"Alright!  That's it!  I am leaving like right now!"  I stormed out of my seat and hurriedly goes out of the diner without saying goodbye to Lizzy and to the dickhead behind me.

"Rei!  Rei!  Wait up!  I'm sorry okey!  I know I shouldn't have laugh at you but I just can't help it.  It's just that you're so adorable when you blushed and..."

"Stop!  Stoop right there!  I'm going."  I cut him off and turn around to leave but before I can, he grab my arm gently and stopped me.

"I'm sorry okey.  I swear I won't do it again."  I raised my brow at him, not believing his words.  "Okey!  I will try my best not to do it again but I won't promise that I won't."  He smiled sheepishly afterwards.

"Whatever Jace.  See you after New Year."

"After New Year?  Why?"  He asked confusingly.

"I'll be going home tomorrow and be back after New Year."  I almost choked when it occurs to me that I've already decided on going home.  He looked at me intently and I know he was again puzzled by my reaction but chose to keep it to himself, which I am thankful for.

"Well then, advance Merry Christmas and see you after New Year Rei."  He said softly and I thought I saw sadness in his eyes for a second.  But he then smiled brightly at me and I returned it shyly, though I know he can see that it doesn't reached my eyes, he let it pass.

"I wish you'll let go and try to be happy this Christmas Rei.  I want to see those smile reach your eyes oneday."  He softly said and turn around to leave.

I was about to leave too when I heard him call me again and walked back in front of me.

"Yes Jace?" 

"I love it when you say my name like that."  He said hoarsely and reached out my hand to hold it.  He then slowly leaned his head down and softly kiss me on my cheeks and stayed his lips there for a couple of seconds before pulling away and caress my cheeks lightly.

He stare at me deeply before saying ever so softly, "I'm going to miss you Rei", then slowly release me and leave me there utterly dumbfounded.

Holy shit!  Did he just kissed me on the cheeks?!  Oh my gosh!  I think I'm going to I'm not.  Shit I'm screwed...

I am now totally in for a big trouble.


Update right there me some love people. 

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