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Mr. Ford

I was walking down the street on my way home when I heard voices.  The voice of the girl seemed familiar so I decided to take a peak and I saw her speaking to Travis with her friend beside her looking angry yet afraid at the same time.  I just stay there listening to them when Travis lost it and reached behind him.  That was when I decided to show up.

"Or else what Travis?"  I asked him dangerously.  I saw him stiffen, he visibly paled and his eyes wide when he turned around and saw me.  I glanced at the girls and saw the relief on Lizzy's face while Ashleigh revealed nothing except that her brow raised at me.

"What are you going to do to her Travis?  Raped her like what your father did?  Or kill her like what your father wanted to do to those people?"  I asked coldly.  From my peripheral view, I saw Ashleigh frown with questioning look on her face.  I tried to block her and focus on Travis.

"I am nothing like my father so never ever compare me to that asshole!"  Travis hissed angrily, his jaw clenched.

"Well then, if you aren't like him, what does it say you threatening Ashleigh the way your father had threaten her?  Don't you realized that each time you talk to Ashleigh that way or even to other people, you slowly turned yourself to someone you hated so much?  If you are nothing like him, then stop acting and treating others like how he treat those people."  He tensed and gulp.  He shakes his head and then blinked his eyes like he just woke up from sleep and cleared up his mind.  It seems that he just realized what he was doing. 

For a moment, he just stand there blankly and unable to say anything.  We all stare at him and just wait what his going to do next.

After a few moments of silence, he cleared his throat, straightened his stance and looked at Ashleigh for a second before lowering his gaze.  "Ash, I um...I'm sorry.  I...I've gone too far." His voice was low and he look really embarrassed.  Well, he should be.  With how he spoke to her, and how he claimed he's nothing like his father, that's enough reason for him to be ashamed with his actions.

"You need to stop what it was you're doing to yourself Travis, before it might be too late."  I spoke quietly to him.  I felt pity for him, he has been through a lot because of his father's idiocy and greediness.

His shoulder slumped and he lowered his head for a moment.  "Yeah, I guess you're right.  Thanks and uhm, Ash", he turned to look at the two girls who watched him intently, "I can't explain why I did what I did to you, well at least, not right now.  When I'm ready, I'll talk to you and I hope you can forgive me", his voice turned low and I can tell that he was ashame to look at Ashleigh in the eyes.

"Don't worry about it Travis, just fix yourself and we'll talk when you are ready."  Ashleigh told him with understanding in her eyes. 

Travis nodded "Okey...I..I have to go", he look at us briefly and turned to leave.

After a few minutes of silence, Lizzy exclaimed which make her friend jumped. "Whoa! I..I don't know what to say!  I was silently freaking out and then I thought he was going to shoot us!" She sigh loudly.  I look at Ashleigh and I saw her narrowed her eyes at me.

Why?  Doesn't she knows how cute she looked when she narrow her eyes like that?  Damn.

"So...we going or we just stay here and stand all night?" She raised her perfect brow and curved her lips to form a sexy smirk.

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