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"C'mon girl, we need to go", hearing Lizzy's voice brought her back from her thought of Travis words.  She sense the unease in her friend's voice and that's when she noticed that Mr. Ford is still there watching her intently.

Ashleigh suddenly felt nervous with his intense gaze.  He raised his brows at her and she tried to avert her gaze but his hand hold her arm firmly but gently.

Electricity suddenly sparks from where his hand had hold her going through every nerve ending of her body.  She flinch a little and her eyes widen with shock.  When she looked up, she caught him looking at his hand that hold her arm with brows furrowed and eyes full of confusion.

What is that?  Did he also feel it?  Why do I feel so nervous yet excited with his touch?  Gosh!  I think I like it when he touch me...oh my!  What am I thinking!  I think -

"Uhm...Mr. Ford...if you don't mind..ah, Ash and I needed to go," Lizzy's voice broke the tension that hung upon them with obvious excitement which makes her aware that he is still holding her arm. She blush and suddenly yank her arm from his hold and look anywhere but him.

Mr. Ford cleared his throat and put his hands in his pocket and looked at Lizzy.

"Ah, yes Ms. Hart.  You can leave, but you sure everything's fine?"

"Yes sir!  Nothing to worry.  Bye!"  Lizzy yank her arm hastily and they turn to leave the school.

They arrived at their boarding house and Lizzy practically drag her upstairs to her room.

"Okey, what was that?!" Lizzy squealed once she close the door of Ashleigh's room.

"What was what?"  She asked like she doesn't know what her friend mean.

"The tension that cloud the air when he hold your arm?  Don't you dare lie to me cause I saw the effect of those touch to the both of you." Lizzy pointed a finger at her warningly.

"Liz, in case it slipped your mind, let me remind you that you are talking about our professor.  I was just shock he touch me and I'm sure he also felt the same thing", she reasoned out but she's certain that it was more than just a shock. 

Something strange with his touch.  It felt good yet terrifying at the same time.  She craved to feel it again but afraid with its effect to her.

"Whatever...I saw what I saw but I won't pressure you with it now.  Anyway, why don't we go out and have some fun?  Travis' antics are not worth remembering to, so let's forget it and get it over with.  I'm confident he can't do anything to harm you, we both know him too well to know how much of a coward he is." 

"Sure thing...c'mon, let's change and go guys hunting!" Ashleigh push Lizzy out of her room to change.

Her friend was right.  Travis was a coward and will remain as such.  When her mother died two years ago, she and her brother stayed with their uncle at the neighboring state for the summer.  He was a lawyer and sometimes, she help him with some paper works.  That was where she learn about Travis past and his parents doing towards the company they're working to.

When school started, she decided to join Lizzy at Boston University and bought a house nearby.  Their parents left them enough money to last them a lifetime apart from the money their parents save for their education.  Plus she also has a part time job at the diner that help her pay her bills and other necessities.  Since the house has five bedrooms, two of which is occupied by her and Lizzy, she decided to look for roommates who will rent the remaining three rooms for additional income.  Though she knows that she doesn't need to work, but for years, she learned to keep herself busy with anything just to forget the feeling of being so alone.  Her brother stayed in their hometown to finish high school and she's always worried about him since his only company there is their 55 year old nanny.  She plan on going home this summer,  though she won't stay long.  She can't stand to be in there for long without breaking down.  There's just too much memories in there and staying will only remind her of how painful and lonely her life is.  She get along with her brother well, but he has his own set of friends and just like her, he doesn't keep around the house for long, he keep himself busy as well and goes home to sleep and wakes up early and stayed at school for the day. 

Upon thinking her brother, she remind herself to call and check on him tomorrow.  He'll be turning eighteen next month and she wants to spend some time with him since it will be Christmas break.

Oh, how I hate Christmas...

Sadness filled her just thinking about it and before she let herself wallow with sadness and pain, she reach her wallet and phone and stalk out her room to find Lizzy.  She wanted a drink.


Hi guys! I know it's short and boring, but I just want you to have a little sneak peak of Ashleigh's life.  But hey!  There's still more to her than that so just keep on reading to know more..


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