Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I woke up, when the car started to slow down. I sat up as Jake said,

“Want another bottle before we go in?” he asked me, “It will help you at least walk to the door.”

“Okay, I think so but I hope I will be able to hold it for a while.” I said resistant only said because I really wanted Garrett to carry me. So that I can be close to him when I saw my father.

I drank the whole bottle then unbuckled then Garrett was at my door to help me out of the car. He opened the car door and held out his hand to help me out. I took it and carefully slide out of the car. I was a little wobbly and lost my balance so Garrett leaned me against the car.

“Okay, you aren’t in shape to go in there.” He said insulting, as Jake got out another bottle.

I glared at Garrett, “Humph.” And I started to walk towards the hospital.

Quietly I heard Jake whisper to Garrett from behind me, “Dude, come on…”

Garrett whispered back, “what did I say?”

“You’re not in great shape to go in there.” I could almost hear his eyes rolling, “Come on, man. You could have said that in a better way.”

I grinned. I loved my brother.

Garrett whispered back, “OH… okay now I see it…. woops…”

“Yeah, you think?” I said loudly enough.

I heard Jake laugh quietly but I could tell he was holding back.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. I mean, you do look GREAT! I just meant with your,” he tried to apologize.

“Just drop it Garrett, I knew what you meant.” I sighed.

“Okay.” He dropped it quickly.

“I will go check us in. Katie, you go lay down on a bench in the waiting room. Garrett you go with her.” Jake walked over to the front desk where a nice, pretty, brunette looked up.

“Garrett,” I said feeling dizzy and suddenly the chairs turned at the oddest angle.

“Oh!” Katie, are you all right? Come here, I’ll carry you.” Garrett said while he bent over and picked me up.

“Oh my goodness! Is she okay?” the front desk lady asked worried.

“Yeah she’s just tired. She’ll be fine.” He smiled at her and the walked over to a bench and carefully sat me on his lap and wrapped his arms around me so I was extremely close to him.

“I don’t know how much more I can take. I’m really dizzy and I can smell…” I said taking a deep breathe that dried out my tongue in seconds.

Garrett looked at me with a curious but worried expression.

“What do you smell?” he asked me.

“I can smell blood…” I whispered to him, “it smelled do good.” I take in another whip.

His hand was suddenly over my mouth and nose.

“Drink this,” he handed me another bottle of blood but this time it was in a coffee mug.

He then uncovered my mouth and watched me very closely. I to the mug and drank 3 big gulps, before turning to him.

“This won’t help for long…” I whispered panicked.

“I know,” he said quietly, “But you have two bottles in your bag and Jake has a Coffee mug so we are good for an hour at least.

He said doing the mental math quickly. He picked up my and hand placed it in his. Then Jake was at my other sitting next to us. He didn’t even act like he noticed how we were sitting.

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