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Ed's POV

Black. That was my world as I struggled to push past the cruel veil separating me from what I knew was the world beyond. It was hard. I wanted to give up so bad, but a small voice in the back of my conscience was telling me there was a reason I couldn't give up, only I didn't know what that reason was.

Open. I commanded my eyelids. Come on Ed, you can do this, just open your eyes.

Suddenly, as if someone was turning a mic on, I could hear the faint sounds of a conversation.

"Look, I think he's waking up, go get Taylor for me, love," a guy hurriedly requested. "And please, let's not say anything about what happened until he's fully recovered, he doesn't need that kind of shock."

A woman's voice consented and left the room, her footsteps echoing as she walked away.

Suddenly, I found the strength to open my eyelids, and I fluttered them open, exposing me to where I was. It seemed to me that I was in a hospital room, with balloons, flowers, and an unhealthy amount of teddy bears with orange paw prints scattered around the room. A nurse was in the room, seemingly checking my vital signs while calling for a doctor.

Next to the bed I was in stood a guy who looked to be in his late teens, who had green eyes full of relief and something more concerning-guilt-along with a mess of curly brown hair that looked ruffled and distressed, as if he had slept on it in a chair overnight.

"Ed, oh God, I was beginning to believe you would never make it, and Taylor..." he didn't finish the sentence through the tears unwillingly escaping from his eyes. He said Taylor like 'Tayluh', but I had a faint recollection of heavier, richer country accents saying the same name. Whoever 'Taylor' or 'Tayluh' was, however, I had no idea. Actually, I had no idea who the lad I was talking to was, even though he seemed to know me, quite well in fact.

My confused thoughts were dissipated by a swarm of crazed girls who suddenly entered the room screaming "Harry" and "Ed". They came in asking us to sign everything from phone cases to tongues, which I thought was a bit odd but somehow seemingly triggered an old memory of a destroyed sharpie.

The lad I now knew to be Harry looked like he was used to this, and calmly called security who promptly removed the girls, muttering something about a 'one direction' and 'crazy fangirls'. I looked at Harry in confusion once the girls had all left, and was about to ask him what that was all about when I saw an angel. In that moment, I knew I must be dead because the woman talking concernedly to security was from heaven. 

Suddenly she looked at me, I saw the tears in her eyes, and I knew I was the one to ease her pain, we were meant to be.

I leaned over to Harry and whispered, "Who is that?"

He looked up and smiled, "that, my friend, is my wife Cara."

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