Ch 21

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There are some Taylor Swift song lyrics/references within this chapter. See if you can get them :)

Ed's POV

"Where are taking me," Taylor giggled, trying to determine where I was taking her on our surprise date.

"You'll see, hey no peaking!" I yelled as she tried undoing the blindfold I had made her wear so she wouldn't know where our clandestine date would be.

"Ed, where are we going?" she asked for the millionth time, turning her head to face me.

"Hold on, we're pulling up now." I had chosen to drive a family friend's car instead of being chauffeured,that way we would avoid any unwanted attention. We had snuck out through a back entrance of the property, then met Andrea's friend about two blocks from the Swift house. So far, there had been no signs of press, and given my track record, it had better stay that way.

I pulled into a parking space at the front of the building, then turned and slowly took Taylor's blindfold off, revealing her gorgeous blue eyes shining back at me.

"Ed where are-oh..." as soon as she turned and saw the location, her smile spread across her face, and I knew I had picked the right thing. "Ed, it's the perfect place, thank you." She leaned in and kissed me lightly, then looked back at the place as if she was remembering the best parts of her childhood, when everything wasn't so complicated.

"I rented the whole place out, it will be just you and me, kiddo," I told her as I gently brushed the soft blonde locks from her face.

She looked like a little girl again, absolutely enchanted by the icicle lights hanging from the place, and a warm feeling rose within me. Finally it seemed that I had gotten something right.

We walked through the door, the air inside the building a little cold, but I knew that this place was like a home to Taylor.

"Well how about that, my baby girl Taylor is back at the Bluebird Café after all this time," a woman with a thick country accent greeted us.

"Maggie, oh my goodness it's so amazing to see you," Taylor exclaimed as she ran to the hostess' embrace.

Maggie released her and looked into Taylor's eyes, "You have no idea how many times I wanted to do that, with all those horrible reporters..." she stopped, then as if noticing me for the first time, walked over to me and took my hand into hers. "Well enough of that, this must be the young man I talked to over the phone, and he sure is handsome, I can see why you married him," she gushed, causing my cheeks to match my hair.

"Oh, well come right this way you two, we have a special place for you." She lead us to the main eating area where there was only one table in front of a small stage. One of the chairs had a big red bow on it, and as I looked more closely, I could see why. Engraved into a small metal plaque attached to the chair was Taylor's name.

When she saw it her face lit up, "Who had this done?" she asked.

"Well we received money from an anonymous donor, but when I was on the phone it sounded a lot like Scott to me," Maggie answered with a wink.

I tried imagining fifteen-year-old Taylor on stage with a guitar and big curls, hoping she would get the big break she had been waiting for. And she had, Scott Bruchetta had picked her up and together they went on a crazy adventure to fame. I knew how much this place meant to her, and I was so glad that I got to be the one by her side as she returned.

I pulled the chair back for her and let her sit down before pushing it close to the table. Then I sat down, and I couldn't help but feel like finally things were coming together. A young waiter came over and poured some wine in my glass. As he was about to pour it into Taylor's she politely refused it while looking over at me with a sly smile, all the while looking like an angel from the glow of the  candlelight.

We ordered our meals and she began telling me about what it was like performing here as a teenager and getting discovered by Scott.

"Man, that must have been crazy for you, just going off with a pretty unknown producer," I remarked. To that she placed her hand over mine, and looking in my eyes replied, "Yes, but nothing safe is worth the drive."

That was another thing about Taylor, she loved to use her lyrics in conversations to make points, and gosh it was so hot.

Maggie came over a few minutes later. "A new artist is going to sing a couple of songs for you, if that's okay."

Taylor looked at her and smiled, "Of course, we'd love to hear it."

As if waiting for that cue, a teenage boy stepped on to the small stage with a guitar. He was wearing cowboy boots and hat, and looked to be about fifteen. The best part: he was a ginger. I couldn't help but imagine myself as a teenager from Nashville, but immediately laughed at the idea of me trying to be country.

"Uh, this song goes out to Mrs.Taylor Swift and Mr. Ed Sheeran, from a friend," he announced in a shy country accent.

He began strumming his guitar, and I looked over and saw Taylor's eyes close, a look of serenity on her face. As he began to sing the lyrics, however, her face became distorted by something: confusion, or, even worse, fear.

She opened her eyes and got up from her seat, obviously distressed. She marched over to the stage and unplugged the chord connecting the guitar to the amp.

"Who told you to sing that?" she demanded, slamming her hand against the stage. "Tell me who set you up to this!" I quickly ran to her and dragged her away from the very alarmed kid with her struggling against me, screaming on and on.

"Hey! Taylor, hey! What's going on?" I asked, trying to reach her, but I could tell she was already in some horrible world as her fears were engulfing her.

"Nothing-just, pay them and meet me at home, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Before I could stop her she grabbed the car keys from my pocket and ran out into the parking lot, sobs racking her body. The door slammed shut behind her and I sat back down, completely stunned as I sat back down.

Maggie rushed over, "Is Taylor okay? What happened? It looked like you two were having such a great time!"

I was utterly speechless, all I could mutter was, "I don't know." Why did she have to leave me like this? I thought I had her figured out. Something obviously went terribly wrong, it was as if she was haunted by something she couldn't shake, and again we hadn't been able to finish what we started.

I asked Maggie to pack up the food to go now that my date had left me and she agreed.

"You know Ed, I'm really sorry about tonight, I can tell how much you love her, but don't worry, she'll come around, love always does."

I was left staring at the walls, where ironically my eyes landed on a picture of a happy teenage Taylor singing on stage. As a stared at the picture, I sadly wondered whether she would ever be that happy again.

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