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Hey guys :) Thanks for all the amazing reads and don't forget to keep voting! I just wanted to tell you I just started a twitter and you can follow me @sing_sheeran for tweets on when I am going to update this story! I really hope you all are enjoying the story so far and know that I appreciate every single one of you! Leave your favorite part of the story so far in the comments and tell me predictions of what you think may happen! Thanks!

Taylor's POV

I had expected to do a lot of things when Abigail stepped into the apartment. I had thought I would have pushed her out the door and screamed the most hurtful things from the other side. Or maybe shoved her up against the wall and slapped her and pulled her hair until I straightened every single one of her now obnoxious curls I had once loved.

My mind flashed back to the only memory I had when she had drugged me before the kidnap. I had been so out of it I had willingly gone with her just because I thought her hair was pretty in my incoherent state. Now standing before the person I had once called my best friend, I was repelled by the thought.

But out of all these things, I think I had most expected to break down and cry and wear my broken heart on display for her. I was always the emotional one between the two of us, and it was in times like these I usually was the one to crack.

But not this time.

I think the last thing I expected to happen was what I was feeling now: nothing. I stood there in front of Cara, the one I had betrayed and Abigail, the one who had betrayed me and I felt nothing. Was this what happens to a person when they have their heart stepped on and destroyed countless times? I guess I was just tired. Tired of being the victim. Tired of the one who always has to put up with everyone's crap and never getting to lash out myself. Tired of trying to play all of these games where I care too much and no one is there to care for me. Somehow after years and years of chasing people who would never reciprocate my affections, I was done.

"Taylor...I don't know what to say," Abigail shakily began, nervously pulling the edge of her faded blue dress. I realized we had picked that dress out together at one of my favorite boutiques in near my house in Rhode Island, but not even the slightest ache came from the memory. I was stone.

"I don't know why Cara brought you, but I sure as hell am not going to talk to you, so you might as well leave now," a strange voice threatened, causing Abigail to flinch. It took me a moment to realize that it was my voice cutting through her like a knife, and it was a product of my cruel, broken heart 2.0.

"I just wanted to say that I am so sorry, and I know you have no right to forgive me or ever let me back into your life, but things were so complicated. I couldn't possibly expect you to understand," she desperately was trying to come up with something, anything to grasp at the wisp of evading smoke of our friendship.

Even hearing all this utter crap coming from her mouth, I still felt no anger. Ironically, all these years of being pegged as the emotional, love crazed girl in the music industry built up to me being the unfeeling stranger I was today. My caring heart was now replaced with ice, and the burning passions that had always been instilled so deeply within me were gone.

Maybe in some other world I could have understood. I might have not asked questions and welcomed her into my arms, whispering that it was okay and all was not lost. But as I saw Cara instinctively place her hand on her belly, caressing the place Harry's and her child would grow and develop till it was time to come into the world, I was reminded again of what Abigail had taken from me. And that was not okay.

"Just get out, you should be in jail and yet here you are begging the once-pregnant friend you drugged and kidnapped for forgiveness. You're pathetic," I paused, thinking over what I had said. "Actually, no I must have been pretty pathetic if you think that  you could waltz in here and say a few words and all would be okay. This isn't some fairytale, and you hurt me. So get the hell out before I call the cops," I threatened, with no real emotion in my voice. I was just done with her and her sick need to give love and take it away.

Cara chose this time to start speaking. "That's actually the reason I brought her here," Cara explained.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, confusion clear in my voice.

Abigail looked up with a sad, puppy like regret stained across her face, making me want to eject my insides onto our newly-refurbished wooden floor.

"I-I'm turning myself in Taylor, I know you don't care, and rightly so, but I can't stand to live with the guilt of what I did to my best...former best friend. I need to be held accountable for my actions." I could see the guilt and something else, rejection maybe, in her eyes. If I wasn't undergoing this mental catharsis, I would have broke down crying, wondering if she was worth this mess, and even after everything I would have confessed that I needed her.

Instead I turned away, afraid that staring at her so broken would unblock the wall inside of me, my one defense in all of this, and my emotions would pour out of me.

"Is that all?" I coolly asked, staring out the window at the London skyline.

"Yes, that is it," she whimpered. "So this is it?" she asked, as if expecting I would suddenly pull a 360 and turn this whole thing around. For once I realized I held the power, and ironically I didn't want it.

Instead of replying to her I remained silent, and with a defeated sigh I heard her make her way to the door.

"Wait," I turned at the last minute, calling after her.

She turned around, foolish hope painted over her face.

"Just, tell me why," I asked, my voice still not wavering in my resolve to not feel anything towards this traitor.

"Taylor, I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am, really I-"

"Abigail," I growled, my patience growing thin, "you have one chance to tell me or I swear, you will never hear from me again."

She submissively nodded her head, "There are so many things I truly can't tell you, all I can say is I made a deal with the devil in an angel's disguise, and everything went wrong from there. I'd go back in time and change it but I can't, so if the next time I come around the chain is on your door, I understand."

And with that, Abigail Anderson left, and as the door closed behind her, the floodgates opened, and I once again could feel everything I had been holding back in those excruciating moments with Abigail.

"Cara, I-" I searched around for my new companion, but was left with only the sizzling embers of the dying hell fire. Cara was gone.

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