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Taylor's POV

I had run out of the room as soon as I had told Ed that I was pregnant. I had run past all the nurses and security guards, run past everything and everyone that had become my world for this past month as I sat in agony waiting for my husband, the person I cared for most in the world, to come back.

But he hadn't. No, not really. He hadn't come back. I had a feeling nothing would be the same, because even if he did remember he would never forgive himself for forgetting me and the baby. Most of all he would never forgive me for what I had done, and I couldn't take the pressure anymore.

All these things raced through my head as I sprinted down the hospital steps, trying to find a place where I didn't feel like a caged animal. But I couldn't escape it, as hard as I tried. Images from that night came flashing back, paparazzi everywhere, ambushing Ed and me as we left the restaurant we had dined at. Then again I saw Harry, trying desperately to reach me through the craziness to warn me of something. Then the slip of paper a mysterious hand had pressed to mine with the four letter message that had shattered my world. Then there was Ed, lying on the cold, hard ground, desperately trying to cling on to the little life he had held within him.

Finally I had found an exit to a garden right outside of the hospital, and sat under a tree much like the one I had played under during my Speak Now tour. It brought back happy memories of curly hair and balcony rides and arm lyrics, a time when I thought I knew everything there was to know about love and pain. I had been stupid, I should have known it wouldn't have stayed that way forever.

All love has ever gotten me is heartbreak and pain and now this. It was too much now, too much for one girl to handle. I remember when I had come to the realization that the real lucky ones are not those with all the fame and fortune, but the ones who had fame and fortune and had been able to make it out alive. At one point that had seemed like an easy feat to accomplish, but now as I sat alone in a garden with me completely erased out of the mind of the one person who knew me best and pregnant with his child, that light that used to shine so bright was fading, and fading fast. I was rocking back and forth, sobbing uncontrollably, questioning why I should still be breathing when my whole world had collapsed when the door to the stairs burst open and Cara came running in.

"Taylor, oh thank God you're alright," she rushed to my side, panting for air.

I looked at her with my tear stained face and asked her, "What's the point? Why do I keep living if no one needs me anymore, if Ed doesn't remember me how can I go on, he was the one who kept me sane, and I-I just don't know how I can take it anymore." I was sobbing uncontrollably now, and it wasn't pretty. Snot was pouring out of my nose as tears streamed down my face.

Instead of answering right away, Cara let me calm down before she continued.

When my uncontrolled wails smothered down to a few sniffles, Cara softly asked, "Taylor, dear, look at me," she gently pushed my bangs out of my eyes and lifted my chin toward her. She then took one of my hands and examined it carefully, then lifting my thumb, smiled. "This is your reason Taylor. You know," she said in a sing-songy voice, "they say no two fingerprints are the same. That they can't be repeated, they are special to each person", she then looked me straight in the eyes and continued, "and that is what I think about you. Taylor, you have done so much in such a short time, you have inspired so many people and will continue to do that all of your life. You are so special, you have all of your fans who know that, and I'm sure they would want you to know that too. You mean everything to so many people and no matter what you may feel right now, you are unique and so beautiful and wonderful and can make anyone's day better just by being in their presence. There could never be another you"

I sniffled, still on the verge of despair, when Cara took my whole hand and placed it on my belly.

"And Taylor, if that isn't enough to keep you strong and make you realize how much people depend on you, I hope this does." And we sat there, her holding my hand and me holding what Ed and I had that no amnesia could take away.

I knew now that I had a purpose, that I couldn't be selfish and give up when so many needed me now.

I looked at Cara, wanting to thank her for everything, but the only thing that could come out was, "I'm just so scared," which brought on a whole new wave of tears.

Cara took my head I her lap, and softly rubbing my head, trying to comfort me,  she whispered "I know, I am too." We stayed like that for awhile until I finally drifted into a troubled sleep on the lap of the one I had unknowingly betrayed.

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