Ch 27

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Ed's POV

     Ring...Ring...Ring...Ring. Hi this is Taylor, I'm not here right now, but please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks!

The recorded voice was followed by a beep, then a robotic voice told me to leave a message at the tone. I angrily clicked to end the call, fighting the urge to throw my phone in the nearest dustbin.

"Damnit," I whispered. "Why won't you pick up the phone?" I tried to suppress any feelings and continued to walk along. I passed so many happy couples I wanted to scream, and I kicked the nearest thing: a phone booth. I got some strange looks from people passing by, and I felt like screaming at them too. Instead I just sunk to my knees and tried to block out everything. Everything was just so loud, why wouldn't everything just stop?

I would have stayed there forever, not having the motive to get up, had not a soft hand grabbed my arm a few minutes later. "Ed. are you okay?" a concerned voice asked me. I blinked away my stupid tears and squinted up into the sunlight, hoping to be greeted with the sight of my beautiful wife. Instead standing before me was Cara looking just as beautiful as always.

"Cara, what a great surprise," I tried feigning being fine.

"Taylor Trouble?" she asked with a knowing smile.

I merely shrugged. "You could say that."

"Well," she started, taking my hand and pulling me to my feet, "I have some great news that might help cheer you up, come with me."

I didn't even bother asking where we were going. Anywhere to get away from all these happy couples was better than here.

I followed her into a black car with multiple guys who looked like they could kill me with their thumbs. Cara must have noticed my nervous glances because she looked at them and giggled in her charming little way, then explained they were for extra protection.

"Just to avoid any unnecessary problems with the paps, you know how problematic they can be," she slyly commented. She was so cute when she was trying to be sneaky. Again I wanted to hit myself out of frustration. The fear in the back of my head that had never left after our kiss was now exploding into every fiber of my being: that it hadn't been the coma that had made me want to kiss her, but it had been me. That even if I hadn't been suffering from amnesia, I would have...

My thoughts were interrupted as I realized where we were: the prison where Harry was currently an inmate.

I slowly turned and faced Cara all the while not taking my eyes off the place. "Why are we here?" I asked, but I already knew from the amount of press outside of the prison and Cara's hidden smile what the answer was going to be.

"He's being released, oh I could kiss somebody!" she squealed, her face coming dangerously close to mine. I cleared my throat and turned away, my cheeks turning the color of my hair.

Luckily it didn't take long to forget about it. We were both engulfed in the flurry of excitement. I couldn't believe it, soon I would be seeing my best mate again, and not between a pane of glass a meter thick.

The car slowly rolled to a stop and I got out and helped Cara out of the car as well. As soon as we stepped out of the protection of the car, the flood of light from flashing cameras almost blinded me, but thankfully Cara's security made them back off.

Then it happened. I heard the buzz of the gates open, and the cameras diverted their attention to the brigade of guards surrounding someone: Harry.

"Harry!" Cara screamed his name. She pushed past the guards to Harry, who's face lit up at the sight of her.

As if in a trance, I slowly made my way to Harry. "Oh Cara, Cara, I'm here now, I'm never leaving you again," Harry whispered into her blonde curls that seemed to have slightly greyed since the last time I saw her.

Then he looked up at me, and I lost it. "Oh my god man, I am so glad to see you," Harry said with tears in his relieved eyes.

Cara slowly let go of Harry, faintly kissing his cheek. With a nod to the guard, he stepped out of the barbed wire gate and into my arms. We both were crying now.

"Ed, I ...I thought...."

"I know man, but it's alright, you're going to be fine," I hugged him even tighter, almost unbelieving that he was really here.

"I have never been so scared, I just don't know how to handle it anymore." We pulled away and he was back in Cara's arms, but I could tell what prison had done to him. As bad ass as he claimed to be, he sure as hell didn't belong in a jail cell. I feared if he would ever be the same again.

"Let's get out of here," he nervously told us while eyeing the guard towers as if any second he'd have to go back.

"Yes, let's go home," Cara whispered as if she was in as much disbelief as Harry was to be saying those words.

We all got into the car and drove away, with Harry sitting between Cara and I. Harry was quietly whispering to Cara, evoking a giggle from her in between kisses. I sighed, finally feeling like all was as it should, but then I remembered who was missing: Taylor.

Harry seemed to read my mind, for at that same moment he turned to me and asked, "So where's, um, Taylor?"

"I actually don't know, we kind of had a fight..."

"Ed, if it's," he looked at Cara then lowered his voice, "If it's about, ya know, then I think you should forgive her, it was a rough time for everyone and-"

I held my hands up and shook my head. "It had nothing to with that, it's...complicated." I had almost forgotten about that incident when Taylor had visited Harry. Almost.

"Well whatever it is, I know that it will all work out." He was interrupted by the buzz of my phone. Relief flooded over me when I saw the caller ID-it was Taylor.

"Hello?" I answered, expecting to hear Taylor's beautiful voice from the other end. The last thing I expected was to hear Abigail instead.

"Ed? that you?" Abigail asked, her voice shaking as she did.

"Yes, where's Taylor? Is she okay? I swear to God if you hurt a single hair on her head I will-"

"No time for threats, she's fine, but if you want to see her again, meet me outside of your special place at nine tomorrow-and come alone."

"What...where is she? Abigail why are you doing this?"

"I'm sorry Ed. Come alone, or else."

"Abigail!" I screamed, but it was too late. I was met with the blank void of the dial tone. I dropped the phone, not able to process what I had just heard.

"What happened?" Harry asked, extremely concerned.

"I...I don't know, but I think I was right about something unbelievable. Taylor...Taylor's in danger, and I don't know if it'll be okay this time."

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