Ch 41

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Okay so this Chapter is going to be told through different point of views so make sure to pay attention to the bold wording. I am going to be writing in characters' views you haven't heard before so I hope you enjoy :) There are only one or two more chapters after this so make sure to vote and comment what you think!

Abigail's POV

I was leaning up against the wall of Taylor's building, my loud sobs earning me worried looks from people passing by. I couldn't believe what just happened. Taylor and I always said forever and always, but now I see that she didn't mean it. Not that I wouldn't have done the same thing if I had been in her position. The feeling I had inside me was terrible, and it was threatening to consume me as the rain tumbled down from the cloudy London sky in troubled patches.

I will never forget the look she gave me when I walked in, like I was some snake that had bit her in the heel, then the venom had spread to the heart. I just stood there, watching everyone continue about their lives trying to work out my confusion.

The plan Harry, Cara, and I had come up with when Ed had gone into his coma was that I would work as a double agent in order to ensure Taylor's safety while Ed was unable to be there for her. Everything was going perfectly fine until one day I got into a fight with Cara, and the next day the people I had been working for had found out the truth about my identity. They threatened not only my life, but Taylor and Ed's as well if I didn't continue to work for them. But the thing was I couldn't tell Taylor, and as much as it hurt to see me loose my best friend, I knew that it was worth keeping her safe.

The things they made me do, however, hurt Taylor nevertheless, and I knew I couldn't be part of whoevers games I had been playing any longer.

I had called the police the moment I got out of the building and confessed to what I had done. Maybe if I turned myself in and framed the whole crime on me, Taylor could finally be safe without me unwillingly hurting her. Too late to turn back anyhow, for as the loud sirens invaded my ears and the squad car came into view, I could only hope that Taylor was the person I knew her to be and that somehow she would find it in her heart to forgive me. I just had to believe it.

Harry's POV

Fuck. I couldn't find my phone anywhere after searching for it all day. When I had got up this morning Cara had already been gone with no note to explain her absence.

Had Ed already told her what I had said about Taylor? And why the hell had I even said that? Yes, we did go to the hotel room that night but of course we didn't do anything. Taylor is way too loyal for any of that shit. And I had used her weakest night against Ed.

Ed who took five years to finally confess his love for Taylor because he didn't want to feel like he was 'stealing my girl' after the publicity stunt that was Taylor's and my relationship. It was only till after we had broken up did we develop feelings for each other. Of course Taylor loved Ed with everything she had but despite what bull shit excuse she had given me I knew she still loved me too.

All right, I'll admit it, I settled for Cara, but that didn't mean I didn't love her and care for her now more than ever. Taylor and I had finally gotten past our feelings for each other a long time ago, that was until the kiss. When she had visited me while I was in prison in Cara's place, there was a part of my subconscious extremely glad that it was her. Yeah, she didn't have to kiss me and I kind of forced her to do it but I just needed to feel her lips on mine, to know that out of that hell hole there was till a world outside with hope and...her.

No wonder Cara fucking left me, I thought as I angrily paced back and forth from my room and grabbed the nearest object, that dumbass lamp Cara loved so much, and chucked it across the room. It shattered in an instant, probably as Cara's heart had when she had heard of what I had said to Ed in a moment of pure anger.

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