Chapter Three.

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Sorry! This was supposed to be uploaded yesterday! But my internet was being spakky while I was downstairs, and I couldn't go upstairs cus my house is being decorated "/

Enjoy, even though its kinda short,

Laura-Ann x


- Alex-Marie's POV -

I stood facing my sister, Elena fast asleep in my arms.

My sisters expression was unreadable, she stood there, halfway down the stairs, a blank expression on her face.

"Carrie?" I started up the stairs towards my sister.

"When did you have the time to have a baby?" She whispered, tears filled her eyes, threatening to spill over her lashes.

"When you guys thought I was in rehab." I muttered, looking away.

"What?" She stopped staring into space then, looking me directly in the eye, green to grey.

"I went to 'rehab' because I found out I was pregnant."

"You're 16 for crying out loud!" She whisper-shouted, trying not to wake James or Elena.

"I know!" I glared at her, anger building up in my chest.

"Who's the father?" She narrowed her eyes, starting back down the stairs again, heading towards the front room.

"I don't want to talk about it." I muttered, following after her.

"You're going to have to talk about it soon." She mumbled, placing James in the blue moses basket by the couch, smiling lovingly down at him before locking eyes with me again.

"I pick later, rather than sooner." I muttered, sitting across from her, Elena still asleep in my arms.

"How old is she?" Carrie stretched her neck trying to catch a glimpse of her niece.

"2 weeks tomorrow." I looked down at her peaceful face, lips slightly parted as she breathed.

"Can I hold her?" She looked at me from under her lashes, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Sure." I stood up, heading towards her. I placed Elena carefully in her arms, sitting down beside her and smiling at my sister as she suddenly went into her newly acquired 'auntie mode'.

"Michael's back tomorrow." She mumbled absently. I gulped, not looking forward to seeing my brother-in-law.

Me and Michael had a love-hate relationship, as in he 'loved' me when my sister was round, but once we were alone, he hated me, and I felt the same way.

"That's great," I smiled, fake of course, down at my sister and my daughter. "James asleep?" I stood back up, leaning over the moses basket at my now wide awake nephew.

He smiled up at me, his toothless grin making him look absolutely adorable. I scooped him carefully out of the basket, sitting down beside Carrie with him.

"How old is James now? I always forget." I continued smiling down at him, glancing briefly over at Carrie to see she had the same expression.

"He's gonna be 10 weeks on Friday." She looked over at her son, her smile growing wider. "He's gonna be so happy to see his daddy." She gushed, her smile growing even wider.

"Yeah, I can imagine." The smile dropped off my face slightly, thinking about how Elena was going to grow up without a father. "Where are mom and dad?"

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