Chapter Nine.

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After the whole fiasco with Michael yesterday, I'd basically been avoiding him and Carrie as much as possible. I didn't want to deal with him just yet, so I stayed away.

Andy was always coming around, taking me and Elena out. I loved him for what he was doing, most guys would have run a mile by now if they were in his position.

I was currently on the phone to my best friend, laying on my bed while Andy rocked Elena on the other side of my room.

"So you think Michael's going to do something?" Sammy asked, I could almost imagine her raising her eyebrow at me.

"I don't think, sweetie, I know. He's up to something, and we need to stop him." I sighed, resting my head in my hand.

"You think he'll do something to Elena?"

"Not until you just said it!" I groaned, suddenly thinking of everything that man could do to my daughter. I looked over to see Andy giving me a funny look, obviously wondering what I'm talking about. I shook my head, even though I knew I'd tell him everything later.

"Sorry, chica! But you need to think of absolutely everything, and him doing something to Elena could be a possibility. I mean, we know he'll stoop that low, look at what he did to you."

"Yeah I know, I just don't want to think about him hurting her."

"I know chica." She sighed.

"Can we talk about something else now?" I asked, trying to sound happy. "This subject is really beginning to depress me."

"Sure, what do you want to talk about chica?"

"Prom." I grinned, looking over to my wardrobe were my dress already hung.

"We still going together? Or are you going to go with Andy?"

"I don't know, it's weird, you know?"

"Why is it weird?"

"Cus I really want to go with you, but I really want to go with Andy at the same time."

"You can go with Andy, I already have someone in mind who I can go with."

"Really? Who?" I pressed, intrigued now.

 "His name is Liam, and he's really sweet."

"And when do I get to meet him?"

"Soon, but things aren't like really serious between us yet, so I don't know whats going to happen."

"Oh, okay."

"You will get to meet him though, promise."

"Good, I want to meet this dude. Now, pinky promise me?"

"Pinky promise." She agreed.

"Great! Now, tell me about your dress?"

"Well, it's like pink, with all glittery stuff on the bust, but it just goes straight down. It's one-shouldered so, you know. What about yours?"

"Wow, my like literally the complete opposite. Its baby blue, and princess style. Glittery along the bust and down the front of the skirt."

"And that's why they say opposites attract."

"Yeah." We both giggled.

"Listen, chica, I gotta go. Mum's about to go out and wants me to babysit Lewis, so I'll call you later kay?"

"Okay, talk later, sweetie. Bye!"

"See ya."

The line went dead. I sighed, dropping my phone onto the bed beside me.

 "Everything okay?" Andy asked, taking a seat next to my head with Elena.

"Yeah, everything's fine." I smiled, sitting up to kiss his cheek.

"Good." He grinned, kissing me back.

I looped my arm through his, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Wanna take her for a walk?" I asked, not moving at all.

"Sure." He mumbled.

"Come on then." I sighed, standing up and reaching for Elena. Andy handed her over to me and I set about getting her coat on.

"I'm going to go get the pram sorted out, okay?" Andy asked, already halfway out of the door. I nodded in response and he continued out of the room.

After Elena had her coat on and was ready to go, I made my way downstairs to see Andy deep in conversation with Michael. I sucked in a breath and froze on the stairs.

"Just leave us alone, Michael." Andy whispered, his hands clenching into fists at his sides.

"Or what?" Michael replied, a menacing look plastered on his face.

"Or I'll beat you so far into the ground, they won't even need to dig you a grave." I gasped at that, alerting them to my presence. A smirk appeared on Michael's face while Andy's eyes widened.

"Well, look who it is, if it isn't the class A slut." Michael sneered, eyeing me up and down. I cringed at the way he looked at me, that preditorial glint in his eye freaked me out.

"Shut the hell up." Andy shoved his brother hard in the chest, causing Michael to stumble back a few steps. I quickly descended the rest of the stairs, stepping between the two brothers.

"Why is it that every time I see you two together you are arguing?" I demanded, never taking my eyes off of Andy's.

"He's asking for it." Andy growled, moving to go around me. I lightly pressed my hand to his chest, making him look down at me. I pleaded for him to stop with my eyes, and thankfully he backed down.

"Backing down for the slut, smooth brother, smooth."

We both just ignored him, placing Elena in the pram and leaving, never looking back once.

After walking around aimlessly for a while, we decided we would go to the park. I loved the park this time of year, all the blossom on the trees. We walked along the stone path for a while in comfortable silence.

"Is that Sammy?" Andy asked, just as we turned a corner.

"Yeah. SAMMY!" I shouted, waving at my best friend. A huge smile spread across her face and she started pulling some guy in our direction.

"Hey you two," She started, sticking her head into the pram to look at her god-daughter. "Hello Elena." She cooed, earning a little giggle off of Elena.

"Hey, Sammy and whoever the hell you are." I laughed as Sammy straightened, the guy wrapping his arm around her waist once more.

"Ally, Andy, this is Liam." She introduced us. "Liam, babe, this is my best friend Alex-Marie, and her boyfriend, Andrew."

"It's so great to finally meet you," He grinned, sticking his hand out to me. "Sammy's told me so much about you, Alex."

"I wish I could say the same, Liam, but my best friend has a new hobby of keeping things from me." I gave a pointed look at Sammy while shaking Liam's hand.

"Ahem." Sammy cleared her throat, gesturing to the pink pram in front of me.

"Whatever." I grumbled, pulling on Andy's arm to get him moving again. Sammy and Liam walked alongside us, now hand-in-hand. I rested my head against Andy's shoulder once more and sighed in content.

This is the life.


Nothing to say really, hence why there is no starting AN...



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