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Well, seen as I'm on a roll with this story, I'll post the epilogue!!! 

Haha, go me!!! 


Laura-Ann x








The colours flashed in front of my eyes, never stopping, only changing. I tried my best to ignore them, but it was so hard. My eyes wouldn't close, they were frozen. 

Peoples voices drifted into my head, but I didn't acknowledge a single one of them. My eyes stayed glued on Michael's body, cold and lifeless on the floor. 

Because of me. 

I killed my own brother-in-law. 

I killed him in cold blood. 

Maybe I did a good thing? I mean, he did kidnap me, and my daughter. He almost killed Seth, and I swear he was about to kill Alesha too. 

Tears suddenly blurred my vision, and I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. 

"It's gonna be okay." Seth mumbled into my hair, hugging me with his unbandaged arm. 

"I killed him." I whispered, the tears leaking over my lower eyelids. 

"Yeah, you killed the man who tortured you, that's the worst possible thing you could have done." He chuckled, tightening his grip on my shoulders. 

"I'm sorry." 

"What for?" 

"For almost getting you killed." 

"What? Pft, I'm invincible, I'm like Superman, you never had anything to worry about, Alex." 

"Shut up." I managed a small giggle, which actually sounded more like a choked sob, but it was something. 

"I'm just glad you didn't get hurt." 

"Pft, I'm invincible, I'm like Superwoman." I mimicked his comment from before. 

"Whatever," He chuckled. "Ready to go home?" I nodded. 

- 2 years later - 

"Elena! Elena Elizabeth Hill, get down from there!" I shouted, frowning at my two-year-old daughter, standing upright on a chair. 

"Come to Daddy, Pumpkin!" Andrew smiled, holding out his arms for Elena to climb into. She did without hesitation, nestling herself comfortably in her father's arms. He chuckled down at her, kissing her forehead lightly, before wrapping an arm around my shoulders. 

"What?" I asked, confused by the look he was giving me. 

"I love you." He mumbled, leaning down the softly kiss my lips.

"EW!" Elena squealed, wriggling around in Andy's arms.

"Ew? Is that ew? What about if I give you a sloppy kis, aye?" Andy smiled, blowing raspberries on our daughters cheek. She continued squealing, whilst I just laughed and walked away, leaving them to their game. 

"You okay?" 

"Hmm?" I turned around to see Seth stood there, a huge grin plastered on his handsome face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Andy and Elena are at it again." 

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