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Prologue - Gentle

❝She tries to smile, to feel happy - But she just feels so empty.❞

A gentle embrace was all Saeyoung needed. A gentle touch, a gentle talk. It was all simple, but he felt that the words were easier to say than the actions that are meant to do. Like a puppet on a stage. They cannot work without a puppeteer.

As he watched out the window with a frown graced upon his sorrowful features, he met his gaze upon the house besides him. A "house for sale" as you may call it. No one had dared stepped into the household, bought it, and lived their for as long as they like.

Stepping away from the window was quite harsh for him. He yearned to escape his living hell. Escape from his mother, with his sibling, Saeran, and live a normal life. Life was cruel to him.

His exhausted face complied likewise.

"Saeyoung," said his brother. "I'm tired."

"Alright, I'll be there in a moment." Saeyoung replied, trudging his way to the kitchen to get some food before they went to their room.

A glass of warm milk and a simple sandwich for his ill brother.

It wasn't Saeran's fault that he had a weak immune system. And even so, their mother would still yell and scream and thrash at him. Saeyoung, being the older brother, always cursed himself for being too scared to help. He wanted to be there for his brother, not watch from afar in fear that he, too, will get killed.

A gentle touch, a gentle talk, a gentle embrace will do a lot for Saeyoung and his brother.

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