Chapter Fourteen

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For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. ~Judy Garland


School on Tuesday seemed to fly by as quickly as it had arrived that day. I had gotten through the day with a easy breeze. Aiden was going to meet me outside of school, and walk us over to the bowling alley. He actually had no idea where it was, since he wasn't a resident like I was. So I offered to really be the one to show him. We talked about it over lunch where he happened to find me sitting alone, reading my book, he sat down and started to talk to me.

Unlike most people they gave me space and left me alone to myself. Aiden wasn't that kind of guy. He pushed you until you did what he needed you to do because it was good for you. He made me laugh, and smile today more then I have in the last three years of high school. I say Georgina from across the lunch room- watching us, with a simple smile on her face. If I knew her like, always, she was plotting something.

Georgina wasn't your simple girl. She was popular and with being popular came responsibility to keep those who weren't away from those who were. She might have once been my friend and showed me kindness yesterday, trying to put our friendship back together. The fact that I wasn't Lilianna anymore made that pretty hard. I was good at faking my happiness. After the last few month, of just the deepest despair, Georgina spoke to me. Which was weird, when we had not spoken since matt's accident.

Before the accident we were on shaky terms as it had been. We had been in a lot of fights over how I didn't approve of how she treated people, and she accused me of being a sympathy-monger. That party- that night- had been an almost make up between us, but it didn't go off that way.

Georgina wanted my apologies for how I acted towards her, and I refused. Matt had been drinking with his pals the second we arrived. He wanted to take me home- after our argument- him being shit faced drunk didn't matter at the time to him. I figured nothing really ever mattered to Matt.

Watching Georgina watch me from across the lunch room made me feel slightly uneasy, her smile was warm looking but I knew that was just a mask, just like yesterday.

Aiden spent his lunch hour talking to me about his class's and the people he had met besides me so far. I was friends with some of the baseball guys. Since he was into playing the sport, something I didn't know about him, he played back home for the schools team. An I guess he wanted to try out for our schools team. I listened intently as he talked about all the things he had such passion for. They all reminded me of his lips.

Which I spent a lot of my lunch hour watching move. I wanted to plant my lips onto his lips again and again. I wanted to lick them, bite them and make them mine.

After lunch was over, I walked to my class and spent the last hours of my day dreaming about Aiden's lips. Which made my face hold a slight smile. I think it might have scared a few people. My creepy sudden smile face. Considering I was the former -Catatonic - Depressed, loser chick. Add a creepy happy smile into that mix and you have your Ax wheeling psycho. I was sure that my sixth hour teacher had contacted the principal, when I just stared at the blackboard with a large smile on my face.

I tried really hard to listen to his lesson, today of all days, with a BIG old smile on my lips. I didn't raise my hand or speak or anything, but I think the smile scared him. Maybe he was waiting for me to whip out my automatic weapon and shot everybody down. I don't know for sure, but I had that sick feeling that I was about eighty percent sure on that one. My last class Teacher just ignored me all together.

After the bell rang I almost tripped on my own chair trying to get out of the door the fastest. I was sure everyone was scared beyond belief by that action.

I rushed outside towards the exit and opened the big doors, seeing no one around. I walked over and sat on the ledge of the stairs and waited for Aiden to show up.

Several students came out in groups, walking together down the steps and off towards their cars or down the sidewalk toward their homes and jobs.

I waited for about five minutes before my heart stopped at the sight of him. He opened the door and came out, pausing before he saw me, and smiled. My heart skipped a literal beat, at the sight of him. It felt like I had not seem him in ages and I missed him so much it almost hurt. He walked up to me slowly, resting his hands on the ledge on either side of me.

He brought his face close to mine and placed a soft kiss on my lips, I smiled sweetly at him and grabbed a hold of his neck and pulled him in closely mashing my lips onto his, deepening his sweet kiss and making it fierce.

He pulled away; after a bit, I was slightly panting trying to catch me breathe. I glanced over his shoulder to see Georgina watching us with a slight narrowness of her eyes.

Aiden suddenly grabbed me by my behind and lifted me up high and hugged me tightly, putting me down on the ground and putting my hand in his own, he tugged me down the steps and we made out way, out of schools grounds.

After a short walk we ended up at the bowling alley. I use to love to come here with my friends on Friday nights. Aiden paid for our game and we got our shoes and began to play. After about an hour or rolling that ball down the lane, Aiden showed his true game.

He was an Excellent bowler. He put me to shame. I admitted defeat quickly.

We gave the establishment, back their shoes, put our own back on and made our way to the next place Aiden wanted to go to tonight.

The beach.

We walked together hand and hand to the beach, which happened to not be to far away from where we were to begin with. We made our way their and sat down close to the sand, putting our feet in the water after taking off our shoes.

The evening was turning into one of the best I had ever had in my whole life. We sat quietly together on the sand watching the night's wave's crash upon the shore. I felt such happiness. I wasn't to sure it would last forever, but it lasted for about as long as I needed it to. I wanted Aiden with every fiber of my being. I didn't care how long we had or if we put a name to it. I knew I had a lot to work on and fix about my emotions. I wanted to call Aiden mine regardless.

We sat hand in hand on the beach for about as long as I could stand before I knew it was getting late and we both needed to go home.

We walked home slowly, savoring the moments we had together.

Tomorrow was another day, and who knew what tomorrow would bring.

The Darkness always crept back, it never stayed away forever.

Id let this happiness fill my empty soul, until the darkness decided it had a claim on me again.

Aiden was my salvation.

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