Chapter Seventeen

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  • Dedicated to To my Children, who watched, and didn't know.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. ~Lao Tzu

After a while of sitting inside of Dr. Perkins office, I decided I could leave. I grabbed onto Aiden's hand and we began to walk home. Dr. Perkin gave me a reassuring pat on my shoulder before I stepped out of her office.

Aiden and I walked hand and hand down the main street until we got closer to the ocean and he put his arm around my back and pulled me in closer. I wrapped my arm around his back. The long walk home he would take small moments to whisper reassuring things into my ears. Thing's like.. "Your beautiful" or. "You're more then perfect". They made me feel better after he told me I was gorgeous tonight. It was around six o'clock when we made it to our street. The lights were brightly lit down the block. The light in Aiden's house was dim, and cars weren't in the driveway.

When I glanced in the direction of his house he quickly told me that "His parents were out tonight with the little ones having dinner."

"You could have gone with them Aiden." I said to him softly.

"There isn't anywhere else in the world id want to be then with you Lil." Aiden said to me kissing the side of my face.

We walked up the block and got closer and closer to my house.

Once we got closer and closer I started to worry about what Dr Perkins had said, that I needed to tell the police about all this but I could do it on my own time. It wasn't like it would matter all that much. Matt was already dead after all and his abuse didn't have much co siding with the accident other then my inability to drive the truck because he wouldn't allow it. I didn't think they'd really believe me about all he did to me.

The proof was damning, but it wasn't much proof.

Even he said, "Don't think of telling people about this, they won't believe you anyways. Who's to say the damaged little girl didn't cut herself, or trip over her own feet."

Sometimes I believed him.

When we got to my front door, Aiden smiled at me and instantly all my thoughts of worry melted away. I opened the door with my key and took Aiden by his hand and brought him inside the house.

The sound of talking is coming from the dinning room and I knew my family would be in full dinner mode.

We stepped into the dining room to the whole family sitting and eating roast beef with the works around the table. My mother when she got to cooking she did the biggest she could. I pulled Aiden along and my father took notice to us standing in the entry way.

"Hey you kids." He said smiling at us.

"Hi Daddy." I replied trying to pull a smile on my lips. It felt natural.

"I'll get going, see you later?" Aiden said softly near my face.

"Not a chance Aiden, Have diner with us." My father told Aiden firmly.

"Yes Sir." Aiden replied bring us into the dinning room and pulling out a chair for me that was empty beside my father. The three smaller kids were on the other side of the table shoving food into their mouths. And my mother came into the room then with a smile on her face.

"It's lovely to see you Aiden, Darling." She said brightly sitting into her chair.

Aiden sat down in the chair next to me on my left and next to my mother on her right.

"The pleasure is mine Ma'am" Aiden replied glancing in my direction. I smiled at him widely and picking up the mash potato's and spoon a bit onto my plate. I handed it to Aiden when I was finished.

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