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Lauren woke up to the familiar groans of walkers downstairs but much louder. She also feels something warm on her side and realizes it's Mikes arm. Lauren smiles but it fades. The walkers. She thought. She rushed downstairs to see the normal walkers in the basement are now flooding the house. She feels completely overwhelmed but it changes to worry when she hear Tracey scream. "T-Tracey?" Lauren yelled. "I'm okay, Lauren! There just so much more!" She replies. Lauren feels a weight get lifted off her shoulders knowing that Tracey's safe. "Get help!!" She heard Zach scream. Lauren sprints upstairs and wakes Mike up. "W-what's wrong, babe?" He asks. The nickname made Lauren blush but she quickly told him what was going on. "The walkers from the basement and more are flooding the house. We need help!" She tells. Mike jumps out of bed and starts pacing the room. Think. Think. Think. "The window!!" he yells, causing Lauren to jump. "Great idea." She says and opens the window. She gets in the roof and Mike is right on her tail. Lauren looks to the left and sees Tracey and someone else perusing walkers to move out the door. Mike looks to the right and sees another window. Lauren's parents room. He opens the window and jumps in. "Lauren! In here!" He yells. She follows him in. Her mom was the only one in the room. "Mom!" Lauren yells. "Lauren!!!" Her mother yells and hugs her daughter as tightly as she possibly could. "I'm sorry but we have to get out of here." Mike says. He jumps out he window with Lauren not far behind him. Lauren helps her mom out. Mike finds a tree for them to climb down. Once he's down he helps Lauren and then her mother. They run as fast as they can through the walker infested yard. About halfway through a walkers hand grabs Lauren's mom causing her to fall into the walkers arms. "NO!" Lauren screams. Lauren's mom fall to her knees, trying to escape. The walker bites her shoulder and another bites her neck. Tears are falling like bullets down her face. "MOM!! NOO!!" She screams. "Lauren..." Mike says pulling her in close. A sob escapes Lauren's lips. "Lauren we have to go, now." He says sternly yet softly. He grabs her hand and leads her forward. Once they get out of the angry mob, Mike spots Tracey, Lauren's father and others. He immediately runs toward them with Lauren behind him. Tracey pulls Lauren into a hug holding her tight. After about 15 seconds she pulled away. "Where's mom?" Tracey asks, scrunching her eyebrows together. Lauren looked down on the ground as tears fall from her eyes. Her father steps forward. "No..." he says quietly. Lauren sobs and pulls Tracey close. "She...she's g-gone?" Tracey says as tears come rolling down her face. Lauren nods her head violently. Her dad storms out as he cries and Tracey sobs. The two sisters hug as they cry, their shoulders shaking. Mike puts his hand on Lauren's shoulder as a stray tear falls slowly down his cheek. After a while the crying calms down and the group just sits there in silence. Tracey hugs Zach tightly. "It's okay, baby." Zach whispers silently. After a while everything calms down. Tracey goes out with another girl and Zach to find her dad and Lauren cuddles up close to Mike. The house is gone. My moms is gone. Half of our stuff is gone. It's all gone. We're gone. She thinks. Mike holds her closer realizing something is wrong. "It'll be okay. I'll always be here. I promise." He says quietly. "I love you." he says quietly. "I love you too." Lauren says back.

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