10. Picture Problem

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"YAH!! Who said that you could let them see my baby pic?!?" you yelled out trying to grabbing the album but the failed because Dahee was sitting between Hoseok and Taehyung holding the book. Instead of snatching the album you fell and your face landed on Hoseok lap and the pictures flew out of the book.

"Awhh come on Jeung!" Dahee said while trying to pick up everything with the help of Taehyung. Surprisingly Yoongi manage to fall asleep before all of this and said asleep.

Immediately you began to blush, and started to apologize to Hoseok while getting up. You look up at his flustered face and he just scoff at you, saying whatever.

When your turn your head and glanced under, at the table you saw a horrible picture.

{Three months ago}

"LET'S UUUSEE THIS CAM.....EERAA" Dahee said swaying, shaking the Polaroid camera obviously really drunk. "Mmmhh wait a sec I got something..... great for thisss." You said going into your room and coming out basically naked only to wearing some kinky outfit.
"I likke that. HEHE. Your such a bad slut. HEHE." Dahee said while taking a picture. "Thatssss right! Get it girl... Mmmh work it. Hey letssss put this in ooour album." Dahee said taking the processed picture and placing it in a sleeve.

{Back to current time}
"What the hell is that picture even?" you said picking up the picture and immediately realizing what it was and began to hide the picture in your hand.
"What is it Jeung?" Curious Tae asked reaching for your hand.
"SHIT SHIT SHIT." you thought to yourself pulling back from Taehyung reach.
"Come on noona I want to see it." Tae whined trying to grab the photo. This time again you step back, but being the clumsy, stupid you, you just had to trip. One thing lead to another and now Taehyung was on top of you, and the picture flew out of your hand. Aaaaaaand for some great reason the door wasn't closed all the way so the other guys just swing open the door and just had to come in at this exact moment.

"Wow Jeung, I'm in pain and I come in to see this and now you're two timing me for Taehyung." Jimin said with a pout. You quickly push Tae off of you and heard him whined and started to reached for the pic but it was too late and Jungkook out of all people sweep it up and turned begin to turned red. The poor maknae's eye saw what it was for a second only to be taking out by Jimin.
"What is it kookie?" Taehyung asked.

"Hehehe, Jeung I didn't know that you like things like this. If you still got that outfit, I would gladly help you put it on" he said wiggling his eyebrows.
"What is it Jimin hyung, I want to know" Taehyung pouted.
You looked at Jimin and shook your head furiously and gave him puppy eyes.
"You own me then Jeung." Jimin said while smirking and began to folding up the picture and put it in his pocket.
"Awwh come on hyung I wanted to know what is was....."
During this 5 minute argument Jin already went to the fridge like it was his house and began to take out some ingredients to cook for everyone. Meanwhile Dahee and Namjoon was busy getting to know each other and talked about knowledge stuff. While Hoseok and Yoongi were resting on the couch.
You look out at everyone and it seemed like you guys were a big family. A smile grew on your face and you were filled with joy.
From the kitchen you heard Jin call for Jungkook to help him cook food. So it was only you, Jimin and Taehyung. You felt an urge that you had to entertain them somehow so you brought them to your room.
"Wow noona, you have such a cute room." Taehyung said actually getting to see your room clearly.
Jimin walked around and notice a poster. "Hey isn't that Exo and Got7?"
"Huh, oh yeah it is, aren't they so beautiful." you said plopping down on your bed.
"You do realize that I'm more cuter and handsomer than most of them. " Jimin said while Tae nodding along saying that he was too.
"Psssh you can he more cuter than Jackson or handsomer than Chanyeol." you gushed.
Right then Jimin and Tae did some impressive aegyo and you started to laugh. "Okay I guess you guess you guys are cute too."
There was a knock on door, which FINALLY someone with some manners did. Namjoon poked his head in and said "Hey guys, while we're waiting for the food to be done, you should go pack up some stuff to bring to the house later. "Except for you Jimin, you got to get your arm in better shape." You nodded you head and heard Namjoon yelling at Yoongi and Hoseok to help you and Dahee out.

"Ugghh do I have to help, can't Jhope just help them." Yoongi whined.
"I don't care who does it, just as long as someone helps them." Namjoon replied.
"Well then Hoseok, you better get going." sleeping Yoongi said as Hoseok got up knowing that Yoongi would never help them. He went to help out Dahee and Taehyung stayed with you.
---------------------------------------------- Thanks for reading guys 🤗
Don't forget to vote and comment if you want Jhope and Dahee to be together😏


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