12. Ready?

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[Dahee's POV]

"Mission? Already?" you and Jeung questioned.

Your mind flashed a picture to when you were going to go outside but saw Namjoon in the corner talking to someone one on the phone. "Hmm that's probably why he look so serious on the phone earlier." you said to yourself.

"Why not? You guys will be doing more missions in the future, so lets kick it off with this one." Namjoon answer. You and Dahee shrugged your shoulders and began to ask Namjoon all sorts of question.

"Well, one thing is that you two will be going to a club where one gang hangs out the most. You guys will be doing some seducing to the guys in that group." Namjoon informed while being interrupted by Taehyung and Jimin whining towards the word seducing that you guys will have to do. "Anyways like I was saying, it seem like Jeung, you went out shopping with Jimin to get clothes for occasions like these."

"Awwh hyung I wanted Jeung to wear them to show to me only." Jimin say while flashing his eyebrows toward Jeung and remembering the photo from earlier today. You turned your head toward Jeung and saw her getting red and rolling her eyes.

"I totally ship it." you said in your mind, smiling.

"Sooo what's the gang's name anyways?" you asked.

"Got7. Namjoon said as his eyes gotten darker. The leader is Jaebum but most people call him JB. But you two aren't going to be targeting him today. Jeung you will be taking on Jackson because, well your just too dirty minded. He said shaking his head laughing while the others chuckled along. You laugh along because you knew it was true. "Awwh come on guys." Jeung whined.

"Okay enough of that, anyways Dahee the person you are getting to is Mark. He is half korean and half american, so that's where your language knowledge comes in play. The other members are Bambam, Jinyoung, Youngjae, and Yugyeom. But for today only Mark, Jackson, and Bambam will be there. Also don't worry about Bambam he will be out dancing on the floor so that means you guys will be able to get what we want and quickly leave." Namjoon said.

"What is it that we're trying to get?" Jeung asked before you could.

"Well the thing that we're trying to get is two rings that Jackson and Mark just happen to wear. All you need to do is get them off of their hand and leave. Jin said from the back of the room. The rings have a writing on them which gives us the code to their stash of money."

"Really hyung? I heard that their stash of money is loaded." Jungkook said while Jin nodded his head saying yes.

After all that information has been told to you and Jeung, you guys got ready like any day you guys would go out to a club. Most of the guys went back home to drop of yours and Jeung's things into your new room that you haven't seen before. Apparently the room was pretty big but only had one bed so your guessing that the guys will have to bring one of our bed to the other house.

"How do you feel about this Dahee?" Jeung asked you. "Well, it is exciting but I feel really nervous how about you?" you asked Jeung. "Same, but since we are seducing guys it will be right up my alley." Jeung said while the two of you burst out in laughter.

"So whats up with Hoseok and you?" you questioned Jeung while changing your clothes into a slutty dress that had lace covering you whole back and had a little bow right in front of your cleavage.

"Umm well you see the thing is when we first met, things didn't go out as plan and from then on I lost my memories so I didn't know why he hated me so much, but now that I do know I already apologized." Jeung said a she picked up the dress that Jimin bought for her. The dress showed her whole side of her body but barely being covered by some strings. It was very simple but also very revealing.

When you guys finish changing and getting ready you heard a knock on the door. "Come in" Jeung said.

"Wow my little princess look so amazing." Jin gushed while the two of you thank him. "Anyways I have some earpieces for you guys to wear so we can help you guys along. Jeung, Jimin will be talking to you and Hoseok will be talking to you Dahee. We will be hacking into the security camera to see how you guys are doing." You and Jeung nodded along taking in as much information you guys could take.

Once he was done you went outside and saw Jungkook in awe and Yoongi turning red. "And right here we have two boys who fell in love with my princess who in the end die because the king was not happy with the his choices." Jin said before his laughing his cute windshield laugh.

"Wow Jeung, Dahee you guys look amazing."Jungkook said.

 "Mmh make sure you guys don't get to slutty tonight." Yoongi said looking over the two of you.

"Can't make a promise. Jeung said smiling. The guys we are getting to might be hot too."

"Alright guys let go before we arrive late." Jin said.

After 20 minutes have past the car stop right in front of a club that was in a sketchy area. Surprisingly there was a lot of car in the parking lot. You wonder where the other guys would be but then you spotted a black van where the window are tinted so you can't look inside.

"Hey oppa is that where the rest of the other guys are?" you asked Jin. He nodded his head yes and told the other guys in the van to do a sound check.

"Dahee, can you hear me loud and clear?" a familiar voice came into your head. "I hear you loud and clear Hoseok" you replied while the same thing happens to Jeung.

"Okay guys it time for you to go out, Jungkook and Yoongi will be going in there too, but they will be far away. If you guys are done getting the rings or feel really uncomfortable just say handsome prince." Jin informed.

The four of you got out of the car and walked toward club. You held Jeung's hand and gave her a tight squeeze for good luck.


Hope you guys like the story so far😊

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