23. Why

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[Jeung's POV]

"Is Hoseok always like this. I mean like the drinking and stuff." you ask to Hoseok as you nodded toward Dahee.

"Yeah, but not usually this abusive. I guess having a cute girl in the household shaken him up a bit." Yoongi said as Dahee blushed at the world of cute.

"I guess something happen between the two of you. And Dahee you and me have to get some catching up to do." you said winking at Dahee.

"Well I'll let you girls catch up and talk. Goodnight." Yoongi said as he close the door behind him.

As soon as Yoongi close those door you burst out with question for Dahee. 

"Girl you got a thing with him or something?" You asked.
"Maaaaaybe"she replied back.
At once you knew that they did have something going on between them. Dahee only use that tone of voice whenever she got a crush or a new boyfriend.
"Shut up Jeung the whole house can hear you."
Ooh right duh I forgot.
Dahee explain what happen on the roof and how they kissed and cuddle on the rooftop as you squealed like a little child.
[Yoongi's POV]
{Standing outside the girl's room]
"Ha they're so cute I bet they're talking bout me." He said with a gummy smile stretching on his face.

{The next day}
"It hurt like fucking hell right now." Jin said as he clutched his sides. Things started to become hazy and a big thump was heard.
"JIN JIN JIN CAN YOU HEARD ME?" Namjoon asked with tear sprouting from his eyes. "We got to get you to the hospital and have the surgery now!"
"What's going on?" Jimin asked as the other started to surround. They all look down at Namjoon clutching Jin tightly helping him getting up. Finally they process what was happening and got the car ready and drove to the hospital.

[Jeung's POV]

You comforted Taehyung as he cried into your shoulder. Everyone was waiting outside the surgery  room in sorrow. 

"When did it appear." Yoongi asked melancholy as he stare at the door of where Jin was sleeping a painless sleep while his body was being toyed with. 

"About a couple months before the girls came." Namjoon said dejectedly.

"WHY DIDN'T HE TELL US!" Hoseok said obviously hurt.

"He was going to tell you guys today but then that happen." you said.

"Wait what did you just say Jeung?" Taehyung said lifting his head from your shoulder filled with tears and snot. "How do you know about it."

"Things happen, I went to check up on him and I saw him in pain I wanted to say something but Jin begged me not to tell you guys until he was ready." you responded with sad eyes.

The other guys beside Namjoon looked at you with disbelief.

"I mean I guess he didn't want us to bear his weights." Jungkook said.

"I don't understand. We are like brothers. No wait, we are brothers. Family. I don't understand why he didn't want to say anything." Hoseok said tearing up more slumping into a seat.

"What does he have?"Jimin asked.

"Hip cancer. But don't worry it not something that the doctor can't get rid of." you replied gloomy.

{4 hours into surgery}

[Dahee's POV]

"Wow. What is happening right now. I mean Jin looked perfectly normal. How did this even happen. I never seen him in that much pain. More like anyone in that much pain." you thought to yourself.

Yoongi putted his head onto your shoulder. Automatic your hand went up to his head and stroke it calming him down. This whole time you haven't seen him cry one tear. Slowly you felt something wet on you shirt slowly expanding. Yoongi started to sob, not being able to stop.

{Another 3 hour of surgery}

[Jeung's POV] 

You left with Jimin to get food for the guys.

Jimin reached for you hand and you tightly held on giving it a squeeze. 

"Hey, how you feeling right now?" you asked him.

"Uhh well I guess I can't process anything right now. But wow. I. Well." -Jimin

"Same I knew that he was gonna get surgery, but not like this."-You

"I just wish he told us before this happen."-Jimin

"I tried convincing him but he wasn't feeling so we, as in me and Namjoon, made him tell you guys sooner than what he wanted to say. But I guess it wasn't soon enough"-You

Finally you guys bought the food and brought it back to the guys.

"I don't want to eat." Taehyung whine even though his stomach rumbled.

"DO you want me to feed you." you said.

He smile a bit but then look back at the door and his smile disappear. He took his sandwich and ate it quietly. Everyone just took their sandwich and half-heartily ate it.

As everyone finished their food the surgeons came out.

"Don't worry guys the cancer cells have been all removed and he will be fine with some rest." the surgeon reassured us.

Everyone sighed with relief. 

"Thank you so much doctor." Namjoon said.

"He will be moved into a room for you guys to check on, but he won't be awake till tomorrow morning due to the sleeping drugs." the doctor responded.

You looked out the window and saw that it was already dark outside. You check your phone and it was already eight o'clock.


Thanks for reading!!

Sorry for not updating as much ;(

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