Chapter Three: Cyra Merison

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Chapter Three:

Cyra's POV


The train was even more lavish than expected. Soft plush seats, cozy blankets, warm food other then the fish I was a custom to. I tried to establish small friendships with the other tributes around me, but I couldn't ever bring myself to say to much. I had just been yanked away from my home, like a fish being pulled from the ocean. Lyra was dead, my mother was losing it, and I was all alone on a train zooming toward the end of my life. You could say I had no hope or belief that I was going to win.

I sat alone on the train. My heart ached for home. Each day of the journey I would drag myself out of my room that I shared with a girl who's name I didn't remember. It's not like I didn't want to, my thoughts were just scattered in every direction.

Eventually, the day came when we arrived at the Capitol. I was amazed. The streets painted in bright gold, the buildings tall and made of sliver. As I glanced out my window as we pulled into the station I had a look of pure shock on my face. As my eyes grazed across the vast landscape, I slammed into a girl a bit older then me. She was a bit taller, and very beautiful with silky chocolate brown hair and bold blue eyes. "Sorry..." I mumbled as I walked past her, as she have me a look of pure hatred. I ignored her and continued foreword.

"Hello, Cyra!!" I heard a pretty young woman shout to me. I walked over to her. She had dark purple hair and happy dark brown eyes. "I'm Lacey, your stylist. I don't think your going to need a prep team, your very beautiful..." She smiled, and I almost forgot where I was. "Before we start your style for the opening ceremony tonight, you need to meet your trainer..."

A moment later we were joined by the rest of the tributes from District Four, and out steps a tall man with sandy blond hair and bright classic sea green District Four eyes. 

"I'm Finnick." He smiled to us. "I look forward to training with all four of you... Before you head off for the ceremony tonight, I want you all to show me a bit of your skills. Now, boys first..." he smiled guiding the eldest boy back behind a closed door. 

After a bit of waiting, it was my turn.

I stepped forward into a cream colored room, with scattered targets along the wall, all filled with the deep marks in them, in the curved fashion of a arrow or spear. Was I really the only one who could throw knives here? I slowly walked over to the small pile of throwing knives when Finnick stopped me.

"The spears are over here, sweetie..." He smiled, clearly unamused.

"I'm not using spears..." I muttered softly.

"What, then, what are you going to use?" He huffed. "Look, you're going to have to speak up if you want to win these Games. Confidence is everything, child... You're the youngest one here, aren't you? It's always the shy ones who go first..."

I clenched my fists and walked over to the knives, twirling one around in my hand. I was mad, I was sick of everyone always underestimating me.

I turned back around to face him, quick on my heel launching myself into a back-flip. I threw the knife skillfully and it went directly through the water glass he was holding in his hand.

"Thank you for your time and have a great day!" I shouted, slamming closer and closer to the exit door. Before I left, I turned quick on my feet to face him. "It's knives by the way..." I then spun back around, kicking open the door and slamming out.



Later that evening it was time for the opening ceremony. I closed my eyes and walked into the room to meet Lacey. She had said we were going to wear something very watery and light and airy. I was exited and nervous at the same time... I didn't want to wear something ugly, like that time some District 10 kids were dressed as cows... Ew.

As they dressed me, I kept my eyes clamped shut; I wanted to be surprised. I felt a soft fabric pulled around me. When I opened my eyes, I was in shock.

Soft blue lace, fading from light to dark up and down the dress. Tucking in at my waist and flowing out at the bottom. My shoes were tall dark blue flats, that were hinted with sparkles like the sun setting on the ocean. My hair was curled and fell around my waist, down all the way for the first time in years. I gasped and looked at the other tributes behind me, who were all dressed as giant fish.

I walked over to Lacey, confused as why the other tributes were not dressed the same way I was. Seeing the confusion swept across my face, Lacey reached out and smiled.

"Finnick thought you did an excellent job today." She lowered her voice softly and drew closer to my ear. "He thinks out of the other three, you have the best chance of winning and he wants you to shine... You're like the ocean that the fish swim in.... You're the giver and taker, or life and death."

My eyes widened.  Why would you want the freaky girl to standout even more then she already did? 

I tried to question it, but Lacey pushed me forward.

"Time now!!" She giggled eagerly. I stepped onto the carriage with my other tributes. District Three was finally done and now it was out turn.

The bright lights took me by surprise. I heard shouts as all eyes fell on me, and all cameras for that matter.

The reporters got in my face, zooming in on my eyes.

"DO YOU SEE THIS?" they shouted, "Bright purple eyes! What's happened to those blue ones? Strange things coming out of District Four these days... Must be the fish they eat..."

The reporters laughed and stared to walk away when I grabbed one by the coat pocket. I wasn't going to let him get away with that insult.

"Don't you ever insult my home..." My eyes darkened, I could feel it, as I saw his eyes widen in fear, or maybe just shock that a poor girl from District Four was brave enough to back-talk him, a Capitol news reporter.

"Woah..." he laughed, gesturing for his camera man to come back over again. "I think we finally found our rebel for this year's Games... What's your name, hun?"

He smirked a bright blue-lipped grin. His eyes showed me all of his emotion. He thought I was just some stupid little girl. I wasn't a stupid little girl. I knew it.

I widened my eyes and looked straight into the camera, knowing this would make or break my chances of winning the Games.

"Cyra. Cyra Curence Rilya Merison. The Girl with the Violet Eyes."

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