Chapter Thirty-Two: The Feast

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A/N: Hey, guys!

First off, I wanted to say thank you so much for all your amazing support on this book! We've had a blast writing it and I look forward everyday to coming home and writing a new chapter! We love you all so much!

Now, this chapter (like the prologue), is written in third person point-of-view because Cyra, Alia, Cato, and Gale are all heavily involved. Also, like 97% of the arena chapters, this chapter contains violence. I just figured it was best to give an additional warning for this chapter, since it's the feast.

Anyways, please comment and vote! We love hearing what you all think of each chapter and the characters! Hope you enjoy! :)

–SlytherinChick (SC) :) **


Chapter Thirty-Two:

The Feast


It was about five AM when the sun slowly began to rise in the arena.

Alia reached for the remains of the breakfast earlier, but when she found it to be stolen, she jumped up immediately and kicked the cave wall.

“Alia! What’s wrong?” Cato asked, who had clearly been woken up by Alia’s temper tantrum.

Alia sighed. “Fish Girl…” she then began laughing, most likely to hide the anger that was boiling up inside of her. “I swear if she takes one more thing…!”

Alia stopped herself, as she had already stated numerous times how badly she wanted to kill Cyra.

“You know what…?” she went on, “I was going to suggest hunting first… but, whatever. Let’s just go to the feast already.”

Cato folded their sleeping bag up, shoved it in his backpack, and stood up to face her.

“Do we have a plan or…?” he trailed off, the ends of his bloody lips curling up into a devious smirk.

“Yeah. We go in and kill,” Alia answered, “I run in first and grab the pack. You hide behind the Cornucopia and kill any passing tributes except Fish Girl. She’s my kill… and I intend to give Panem a good show…”


“Cyra…” Gale murmured, “It’s time.”

Cyra rubbed her eyes and groaned as she reached for the stolen food and pulled out a piece of toast for each of them.

They ate their breakfast quickly and began to devise their own plan for the feast.

“Tell me what your plan is,” said Gale.

“I grab our packs and get outta there,” Cyra continued.

Gale nodded and said, “And… you might wanna be careful, Cyra…”

“Why do you say that? I just go in, grab our packs, and get outta there as quickly as possible.”

“It’s a bloodbath, Cyra… and things like this… bring out the worst of Careers…”

Cyra snorted. “They’re already ruthless killing machines, Gale. How much worse can they get?”

“Trust me,” Gale replied quietly, “They can get much worse… Just promise that you’ll listen to me, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

Gale rolled his grey eyes. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Cyra grinned as she sprinted off towards the Cornucopia.

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