Chapter Twenty-Eight: Cyra Merison

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Chapter Twenty-Eight:

Cyra's POV

** Hey guys! This chapter is a flashback chapter, so I'm just letting you know! I will tell you when the flashback starts and ends because not all of it is a flashback.  :) -GG **

I woke up that morning in the cave, feeling the warmth of arms wrap around me. I smiled to myself, remembering that I had told Gale that I loved him last night. Was that even true? I think so. I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a liar. But I... I I lost my train of thought and sighed,  rubbed my temples, preparing to brace another day in the arena.

Stretching my arms high in the air, I slowly placed Gale's arms off of me,and rolled over, sitting up slowly, and taking off the sleeping bag from my legs. Sighing, I grabbed my case of knives from the back corner of the cave, and set out on foot out to the river, leaving Gale a single piece of rope. Our signal to tell the other that we've gone and will return shortly.

Slowly, I looked over my shoulders, checking for any animals, or people for that matter. I wanted to relax, even just for a few brief moments. The river, or water in general, had always been one of my favorite places to go. It calmed me, in ways I couldn't explain. Because I don't know how to explain it.

As I neared the river bank, I slipped out of my jacket, leaving it underneath a rock, parallel to the shore. I slipped out of my boots as well, tucking them under the rock along with my jacket.

** Note: This isn't the flashback. This is just Cyra reviewing things... kk? **

Carefully, I dipped my pinkie toe into the cool waters, hoping no crazy man eating fish was going to jump out. Or that Cato and Alia were lurking underneath the shallow waters waiting to try and strike me once again. 

I probably should admit, Alia is pretty freaken tough. Oh! And did I mention she's had years more training then I have, is an inch taller then me, is stronger than most people think she is, and can kick your butt if she needs to. I really did try when we were fighting. She took that spear of hers and carved so deep in my face, you could see the muscle tissue poking out from my cheek. I even tried to look a bit remorseful, because while we were fighting, something hit me. Like a flash of bright light, through my mind and into my eyes.

Alia wasn't my enemy. She didn't choose for this whole even to happen. Sure, she volunteered for this whole thing, but she most likely had a reason to, that I may never know or understand. I know that I volunteered for my sister. But I didn't know her story. Anyway, I tried so hard, to give her a look. I swear, for a moment I saw something in those blue eyes, that may have been a hint of regret, fear, or sadness.... But I could never be sure, because whatever it was, it didn't last long.

Maybe the reason the look didn't last long was because I think Alia is losing it. Honestly, by this point, who COULDN'T tell that she was. After I thought I saw that look of sadness in her eyes, in flashed a look I hadn't seen on anyone but Cato, Clove and a couple of other hardcore Careers. In the beginning, Alia didn't seem bad at all. Now she's completely RUTHLESS. I can't think of any other word to describe her. She changed in every way from when I met her. Yeah, I know, I never knew Alia personally. But she seemed like a Career with a soul. Now she's morphed into what everyone else wants her to be as a Career.

As I shook my head to clear these thoughts from my mind, I slowly drifted down into the cool waters of the river. I let the water overwhelm my feelings about the arena, and take my thoughts, and the dirt and blood off my body and mind,I slowly closed my eyes  and I  drifted back to a place I missed desperately.

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