Chapter Seventeen: Cato

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*** First off, I want to say that part of this, you've already read from the previous chapter, only in Alia's POV. The beginning I just rewrote in Cato's POV. Just don't want any confusion! :) Anyway, back to the story now!!! -SlytherinChick (SC) ***

Chapter Seventeen:

Cato's POV

"I think we should split up this time," Alia said suddenly when we were about to search the forest for any vulnerable tributes.

I frowned slightly and asked, "Why?"

"'Cause it'll surprise the other tributes. Everyone will expect us to be together, so if we split up, we'll give 'em the element of surprise. Besides, we'll meet up here in two hours," she replied matter-of-factly.

"Fine," I huffed, giving Alia a quick kiss, and then heading off in the opposite direction, away from the forest.

An hour into this 'split up' idea of Alia's, I had become extremely bored.

There were no tributes anywhere, almost as if they had ditched this part of the arena.

Then, the idea hit me. No one was here.... every tribute saw Alia and I claim the Cornucopia area as our campsite, and they knew we had most of the supplies... they must've headed toward our camp...

"Not an idiot now, am I, Jade?" I muttered under my breath, as I knew she was watching every move I made in the arena.

With that, I darted back to the Cornucopia, to find exactly what I thought I would....

One of the male tributes from District Ten was rummaging trough the Cornucopia for supplies.

Sword in hand, I cleared my throat to let the boy know he wasn't alone anymore.

Slowly, with two knives in his hands, he turned around to face me.

He flinched and dropped the knives as soon as he saw me, knowing that I wasn't about to let him get away with it.

Where's Glomer? I thought, he's s'posed to be guarding the camp...

When the District Ten boy fled in the opposite direction, I grabbed him by the hood of his DISTRICT TEN jacket as I plunged my sword straight through his chest, making a cannon go off.

As soon as he fell to the ground, dead, Alia came rushing around the corner with a worried look on her face.

I bent down to yank my sword out of the deep gash in the boy's chest with the words, "Seems like the other tributes have been stealing from us..."

Alia said nothing, just kept quiet and stood there, staring at the dead boy as I cleaned the blood off my sword.

And, sure enough, when I turned around, Glomer was standing right there, guilt and fear stretched across his face. He began to walk backwards away from me, trembling.

"You......" I trailed off, as the anger began to build up inside me, "You were s'posed to guard our camp... and make sure that no one stole anythin' from the Cornucopia.... and if they tried, you said they'd be blown to pieces. What happened to that, Glomer? Did you even set up the minefield?"

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