Chapter Nineteen: Cyra Merison

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Chapter Nineteen:

Cyra's POV

Suddenly, I was back in District Four. I still looked the same as I did years ago, but I could tell the memory was old, because that was the moment I saw her..... Lyra....

She looked like herself again. A goddess in her true form.

Her long silky straight blonde hair, falling sleekly down her back. Her sea blue eyes sparkling in the summer sun.  She stood far taller then me, at 6'0 tall... Lyra had that effect on people, where when she walked in a room, it went silent... Just because they were in pure awe-struck of her.

"Hey, little sis!" Lyra smiled and neared me, her perfect pink nails touching my skin lightly.

I huffed and turned away.

"Why am I here....?" I huffed and sat up. "Am I dead?" I whispered softly.

Lyra laughed, "No silly.... You're fine! Your mind is just creating a dream... So I took a chance to come and say hi." She laughed and tilted her head back, causing all of her hair to sparkle.

"Look..." She smiled and gripped my hand, pulling me off of the ground. "I want you to win these Games... You're amazing and no matter what anyone tells you, your 100% perfect in every way."

She smiled, and her bronze skin glimmered like it used before the cancer struck her.

"Are you okay..?" I looked at her slowly. Lyra cracked me a huge smile.

"I'm fine! I promise, don't worry about me... Promise me, Cyra?" she smiled. I nodded slowly, as her image began to flicker and fade.

"I love you!" she shouted..... and that was the last thing I heard from her.

I suddenly felt a warm hand on my shoulder and I heard rapid fast breathing.

"Breathe... Cyra, I'm taking you back to camp... Just stay calm..." Gale whispered harshly as he held me closer in his arms. I was confused, what had happened?

Gale threw me over his shoulder as we kept running deeper and deeper into the woods. Finally,we reached camp and Gale paused for a moment. He looked up then down. He must have seen or heard something that bothered him, as he kept running instead of just staying at the camp.

He kept running deeper and deeper into the woods, until we reached a small cave. We low ceilings and cold floors.

"Gale..." I whispered to him. "Why are we-?"

That's when the pain struck me. All over....

That's when I realized why Gale was so worried. All my clothing was soaked with blood. It dripped down through my shirt and down my pants.

I looked across myself and spotted the source of the blood flow.

It was my arm. I felt it burn and noticed the gooey consistency of the blood, mixed with dirt and other wreckage. The whole side was scraped off and it looked thinner, as so much skin was missing. I could feel my bone poking through, and I suddenly felt faint, and passed out.

A few hours later, I felt a soft touch across my forehead. Gale was standing there, with a cloth in his hands. His grey eyes were sparkling, as he reached to dip the cloth in some water and lay it on my forehead.

"How do you feel...?" he whispered softly.

I looked up at him. He looked paler then normal. "I'm fine...." I started, when I realized why Gale was so pale.

He was bleeding as well. He legs, both of them were cut and bruised so badly, it looked as if he was dead. I sat up quickly, realizing he had taken off his jacket to give me some kind of blanket.

"Gale! What... What happened?" I took his jacket off my arm and wrapped it around his legs, tightening it to stop the blood flow.

Gale winced in pain, but looked at me. "You set off the minefields perfectly... The Career's food is gone, the remaining weapons they have. All of there camping supplies..."

He cracked a smile. "They have no chance now..." He glanced at the floor of the cave, and I realized it was soaked with blood.

"But..." he huffed. "You made one mistake. You didn't step back far enough, and your arm was caught in the blast." He glanced at the floor, and my eyes fell on his leg.

"What happened to your leg?" I continued, and fought through the pain to stand up and take the cloth off of my forehead and place it on his.

Gale shook his head. "It's not a big deal... I went to grab you, because you passed out from the blast. One of the minefields didn't blow, and my legs got caught in it."

My eyes widened. I had almost just killed him.

"Gale..... I...."

"No apology needed...." he smiled and me and took my hand. "If I go, I'll know that my death helped take down others..."

I leaned in closer to him. "You're not going anywhere..."

Gale smiled. "Lay back down, you're hurt."

I ignored him and stood up. "Not a chance...."

Gale stared at me in confusion and narrowed his eyes. "I'm supposed to be taking care of you... You're a girl, and you don't take care of me..."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not eleven anymore... I can handle myself, Gale." Gale smiled at me and rolled over on his side to face me.

"You're right... You're not eleven anymore."

I smirked and stood up slowly, realizing my arm was wrapped in some kind of bandage. "You'll find I always stand out of the crowd gale, no matter what I do."

Gale smirked and sat up. "That you do, Wolfie.... That you do...."

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