Chapter Fifteen: Alia Fletson

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Chapter Fifteen:

Alia's POV

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a pitch-black forest.

I shivered, seeing my breath with each breath I took.

"Stupid Gamemakers," I muttered and began walking deep into the forest.

"Enjoying yourself, Alia...?" a deep, haunting voice trailed off.

I flinched and took a step backwards. "Who's there?"

The voice chuckled darkly as I scanned the floor of the forest. It was hopeless, though, since I wasn't wearing my night-vision goggles.

The dead, dried-up leaves crunched underneath my feet as I fled in the opposite direction of the voice, only to trip and plummet face-forward onto the ground.

I wiped the flecks of dirt off my face, breathing heavily, and screamed at the top of my lungs, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?!"

"You're making a mistake..." it trailed off it an ear-biting whisper.

"What are you talking about?"

"I think you know..."

Before I could reply, I felt a frigid cold hand touch mine, as images appeared in my mind.

It was those who I had killed in the arena... almost as if my mind was replaying their deaths like a movie; and there was Cato, too, laughing at his ability to end someone's life so effortlessly.

When the icy hand moved away from mine, I looked up to see a black-hooded figure, face concealed from view.

"Who are you....?" I asked quietly, almost too low for anyone to hear.

The figure turned away with the words, "You already know who I am."

I shook my head fiercely. "No... I don't... What do you want....?"

"To show you that you're making a big mistake," it replied in a low voice.

Although I said nothing in response, the voice then said, "Do you remember what your mother told you before you left?"

"'I love you, sweetie...?'" I guessed.

"Guess again."

"'Good luck?' 'I'll see you real soon?' Why won't you just tell me?!?!" I screeched.

"'Don't let the Games change you...'" it hissed, making me cringe with everyone word.

"And who are you to tell me that they have?!?"

The figure whipped around to face me once more, and slowly unveiled the dark cloak from its face, revealing piercing blue-grey eyes and dark brown curly hair.

It was as if I was staring into a mirror; the figure reflected my image perfectly.... for the cloaked figure was me...

"You," it whispered in a softer, smoother voice that was my own.

I shook my head and began to walk away from my mirrored image, coming to the realization that this was a mere dream.

"........Is it, Alia..........?" the voice asked in a low snarl.

At that moment, I snapped back into reality, waking up to the blindingly bright morning sky, trembling in fear.

"Alia?" Cato called, rushing to my side, "What's wrong?"

"Bad dream," I replied almost instantly, all the emotion drained from my voice.

"It's over now."

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