Chapter Thirty-One: Gale Hawthorne

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Chapter Thirty-One:

Gale's POV

I wake up to the smell of fire. Again.

Why is it always fire? I sigh, sit up straighter and glance out the opening of the cave.

The fire was no where near us, but I could smell it way over here. It didn't smell like a Gamemaker fire either... More like a natural fire.

Careers... I growled through clenched teeth.

As I walked back inside of the cave, I noticed something was missing, something important.

My girlfriend.

My eyes widened, and I sat up and glanced around the cave. She wasn't sleeping. Panicking, I rushed outside the cave and listening closely for the sound of a cannon.

"Oh, God, please no..." I huffed and ran out into the river. Glancing around in the water, I spotted two bodies, floating in the water. Rushing over, I praied that I wouldn't see her.

It was just two other tributes. As I turned to exit the water, I heard laughing, and spotted Cato and Alia leaving the water. I ducked down, hidden from them, until they were lost from my sight. Moments later, I stepped back onto the bank, I began to rush to the forest, still praying that Cyra-

"What. Are. You. Doing?" I heard a voice from behind me speak. I turned, seeing Cyra sitting on a rock on the other side of the cave, a picnic basket sitting in front of her. In Cyra's hand was a cheese stick, and she was eating it slowly, while giving me a confused stare.

My eyes widened. Stupid Gale... STUPID! I had just looked like a total fool in front of the girl I liked so much... Actually... I loved her.

Cyra smirked at me, and opened the basket reveling eggs, bacon , cheese, and other fruits. It smelled so good. I eagerly reached for some of it, as Cyra continued to eat her cheese...

 I smiled at her, and she opened her mouth wide, showing me her cheese filled mouth.

"Well isn't that nice Cyra..." I smirked and shoved her sideways. "Where did you get all this anyway?"

 At this, Cyra glanced at the ground and smiled.

"The Career's aren't very good at hiding food.....This morning, before you woke up, I ran out of the cave, found their little hiding spot, and stole the food they had hidden. I found the empty basket lying around... And here I am." She grinned at me, waiting for my approval.

I smiled and her and pulled her in for a hug. "That's awesome!" I shouted and I pulled away from her. She blushed, and after we ate a bit, she stood up, packet up the food, and tied it to a branched deep in the cave and covered it with some scattered leaves, instead of leaving it out in the open like the Careers had. Who knows if they had a small amount of the food with them, but I know Cyra had stolen the rest.

But for some reason, when Cyra stood, I watched her limp. Glancing at her legs, I noticed the rips in her pants, reveling dark red skin. 


"Cyra..." I stood up, and followed her. "Did you get caught in another fire."

Cyra shakes her head. "It's not a big deal... I've been through three already... It's not like another ones going to do any worse damage."

But she was wrong. the burns were much deeper and darker this time. As I looked closer at her, I could see the pain in her normally kind and warm violet eyes. Her face still had the 'X' cut into her cheek, and it was red with ooze and blood. Along her neck were scattered cuts, and violent burns that ranged from light pink, to dark red.

She was in pain. I could tell, that if she didn't get help soon, she was going to die. There are some things that can't be treated with natural herbs and creams. This was one of them. But I'm sure I didn't look to much better myself. I could feel that my lip was still swollen from that filthy career called Cato. But overall, I was in a much better shape then she was.

As if it couldn't come at any better time, the announcement  suddenly rang throughout the arena.

“There will be a Feast at sunrise. Each of you needs something desperately… and we intend to be… generous hosts… There will be a pack with your District on it at the Cornucopia filled with those things that you need. Good luck to all of you.”

I paused, and I noticed Cyra did to.

We gave each other a glance, and instantly, at the same time we each shouted, "I'LL GO!!!!"

"No Gale..." Cyra snapped, and neared closer to me. "I want to go."

I looked at her again, noticed the rips in tears in her skin and clothing, and noticing the pride shining in her eyes.

"This means something to me Gale... I want to show them, that I'm not just some little girl or a circus freak..."

I paused and glanced down at the floor, then met her eyes again.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," she replied. "I'm going tomorrow."

Cyra smiled and leaned in to me. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, before slowly walking back inside the cave, her breathing heavy, and her hands lifted at her sides.

I wasn't going to let her go alone.

I would be there. But in the shadows, protecting her, and doing whatever I could to make her job eaiser. I would give my LIFE for her, and if this was the time to do it, then may it be.

I loved her. With all of my heart. I knew that I would do anything for her. She was the one I needed. Not Katniss, or any other girl. The only problem was...

Sometimes love pays a diffucult price.

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