Chapter Thirty-Five: Cyra Merison

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Chapter Thirty-Five:

Cyra's POV

The moment I stepped onto that plane, my eyes closed and I had fallen asleep. There was a warm being next to me, that I assumed to be Gale. I felt safe. And this was all over. I never would have to think about it ever again, and that was finial.

As I slept, I had the strangest dream I've had in a long time. President Frost was sitting beside my side. He glared down at me, his icy eyes frozen in anger.

"You shouldn't have said that....You don't have any idea what you've done...."  He said, slowly and snake-like.

"What do you mean?" I asked slowly.

I stared at him, as the vision grew blurry.... Until all that remained were a pair of blue eyes frozen into mine.

It felt like moments later when I woke up again. But clearly it wasn't only an hour I had been out. I sat inside a Capitol hospital, with bright sunlight pouring through the window. As I turned onto my side, I spotted the date on the calender on the wall. It was days after we had left the arena. I reached down, feeling for the cuts I know had been on my legs. They were totally gone. I lifted up my hand to my face. The 'X' from Alia  stabbing my face was faded away and gone. Not even a scar remained.

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake!!!!" My stylist, Lacey from before the games smiled and stood above me.

I blinked my eyes, as she fully came into focus. Her hair, was now dyed a flaming purple, and her eyes were....Violet?

"What happened?" I asked slowly, rising from my sleeping position in the bed.

Lacey, smirked and closed the curtain's to the room. " You're the new big thing!!!! Everyone loves the best tribute for the year!!!! You're so different that, everyone's joining in!!!!" Lacey smirked, and threw her violet locks over her shoulder.

I stared her in disgust. Everyone was tyring to be like me. Violet hair, and contacts??? I hoped they were contacts, and that she haden't gotten some kind of surgery to look like a freak. I don't think I would be able to handle that.

Lacey smirked, and help me rise from the bed in my dark blue hospital gown.

"Thank gosh your only wearing dark blue..." Lacey sighed.

I stared at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Lacey smiled and turned to me. "Well, they organize the hospital by gown colors.....If your in light blue, your fairly fine. Dark blue, means you've got major injuries, that can be fixed though. But if your in white...." Lacey paused and glanced at the ground. "It means your close to death."  

Lacey glanced back at the floor, and back up to me. I look across at her. "Why are you telling me this?" I asked slowly.

Lacey sighed deeply. "Gale was in white when he came here-"

Those were the only words I needed to hear. I shoved away from her, and rushed down the hallway. The names of the tributes were written on the door of each room. I noticed that Alia, and Cato were on the dark blue floor with me. My eyes widened, as I ran to the next floor up. The white floor.

I scanned the names on the door's, seeing patient's inside covered in blood. As I continued through the hall, I finally spotted his name on a door at the end of the hallway.

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