Chapter Twenty-Nine: Alia Fletson

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Chapter Twenty-Nine:

Alia’s POV




The morning sun slowly began to creep its way through the cave, waking me up as it grew closer.

I sighed and pulled the sleeping bag further over my head, trying to block out the sunlight. I hadn’t eaten anything in about three days and was running on about five hours of sleep… the last thing I wanted was the stupid sunlight to completely wake me up.

On the other hand, the blazing sunlight seemed to have no affect on Cato. He was so motionless that if it wasn’t for his breathing… I would’ve thought he was dead.

I rolled my eyes as I thought Lucky Cato.

Realizing that it was impossible to fall back asleep, I stretched my arms up in the air; accidentally scratching the large cut on my face with my silver bracelet.

Blood slowly began to seep out of the wound as soon as it tore back open.


I immediately reached for my black backpack, digging through for the jar of healing ointment. However, when I unscrewed the lid to find nothing, I threw the empty jar against the cave wall.

Could anything else possibly go wrong?!? I thought sarcastically.

“Alia… are you okay…?” Cato asked suddenly.

I sighed and turned around to face him. When he noticed the blood pouring out of my cut, he yanked a knife out of his back pocket and cut off a piece of his DISTRICT TWO jacket.

“Cato–” I began as he wrapped the piece of fabric around my head, creating a tourniquet.

I smiled faintly and whispered, “Thank you.”

Cato kissed my cheek in return and pulled me into his arms.

“Go back to sleep, Alia, okay?” he said, stroking my hair softly.

I nodded and began to drift back to sleep.

A few hours later, I woke up to the sweet smell of Capitol breakfast food filling my nose.

At first, I assumed that my starvation was merely mocking me. But when I stretched my left hand out to feel the delicate carvings of a platinum platter.

“Cato!” I whisper-hissed.

“Yeah…?” he asked in a rather drowsy voice.

“I think the odds… are in our favor today…” I trailed off, smirking.

I grabbed the platter by its handle and dragged it towards us.

Cato opened a slip of paper that was attached to the equally intricate lid.

It seems that the audience has a thing for brutal Careers in love. The reason is beyond me, but congratulations, you two. –Alexis

I rolled my eyes. It was clearly impossible for Alexis to write a note without some sort of snide remark.

Cato removed the platinum-etched lid, revealing the mouth-watering breakfast: scrambled eggs, bacon, warm buttered toast, sausage, and ice cold water completed with Capitol plates and silverware.

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