Chapter 9

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The day was slow. I shared a few of my classes with Lauren and Grayson. I figured out that their ship name will be forever known as Graylaur. I am the captain of this ship and it will sail.

As I was walking into Bio, I saw Ethan's messy mop towards the center of the room. Next to him sat...Julie? What the hell? 

My eyes furrowed in a mix of confusion and anger as I took the empty seat on the other side of Ethan. Our eyes met and I gave him a questioning gaze.

He was about to say something before the teacher walked in. As usual, he, who I learned was called Mr. Scabichi, introduced me as a new student to the class. I sent a charming smile back at him, trying to seem friendly. Gotta be on good terms with your teachers amiright?

As Mr. Scabichi begins speaking to us about what the semester will be like, a note is passed to me from Ethan.

She found me this morning and apologized, said she wasn't thinking straight. We're not together but we're on good terms. Please don't murder her. For me?

I frowned, looked at Ethan and gave a tense nod. I know he wants to get back with her. Wasn't thinking straight my ass. Tell that to the speech she gave me about not loving you the way I do. Oops did I just say that? Surprise? I'm pulling a Deadpool and breaking the fourth wall. Savage Sky has been activated. Wow I'm really weird. 

Before paying attention I quickly scrawl something down on the note and pass it back to Ethan.

No promises. She breaks you, I break her. I won't hold back. Did Gray tell you that my friend and I are coming over after school? 

He read over the note and chuckled.

Yeah I know. Don't worry I won't bring Julie around. I want to meet your friend. Sit with us at lunch?

Once again I nodded. I wish he could see what everybody else sees. 

I focus on what our teacher is writing on the board as I anticipate next period. Lunch.

The bell rings and Ethan and I exit class together with him leading the way to the lunch room. Lauren and Grayson are already on line and they wave us over, allowing us to cut into the line. The people behind us roll their eyes but don't say anything.

"Hey guys! Grayson, thanks for taking care of her. Ethan you still haven't met 'her' yet. Ethan this is my sister Lauren." I introduce.

"Sister? You guys don't look---oh I get it. Nice to meet you Lauren. I see you're hitting it off with my little bro?"Ethan says with a smirk on his face. So he notices the feelings of stangers (ish) before the people he knows? BOY?

I still cant help but coo at my ship as both begin to blush and sputter out incoherent responses. 

We make our way over to an empty table and everyone gets situated with one another. More or less the twins and Lauren.

"I heard you're gonna be our girls' Varsity soccer team goalie. Is that true?" Grayson asked.

"Yeah. Sky and I transferred here because we both got athletic offers here." Laur said.

"You got an offer to Sky? You never told me that," Ethan jumped in.

"Yeah. Varsity lacrosse. I'm best on offense," I say whilst munching on a slice of pizza.

Ethan's gaze locks on me for a moment.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. It's nothing. Maybe we can play lax at my house. One v one. You're your own goalie too."

"Ok fine. Guys' or girls' rules?"

"Can you handle guys' lacrosse?" 

I snort, "I wouldn't have asked if I couldn't E-tee-wee-tee," Ethan glares at me, "so bring it on. Just watch out for my boobs will you?"

"OKAY that's enough. I don't need to know about you hoohaas Sky. You guys do that. Laur and I can watch Nicholas Sparks movies, right babe?"

Lauren's eyes widen as a smile and a hue of bright pink spreads across her face. Grayson realized what he said. Before he can correct himself she says, "I's like that. It's a date."

Grayson's lips curve into a wide smile. E and I are just smiling , my head on his shoulder like over the summer, as we watch the two lovebirds. 

"I called it," Ethan says.

"I called it this morning. I'm the captain of this ship and it is sailing across the high seas. You can be best mate. How 'bout it Schmee?"

Ethan flicks my head but says, "Aye aye captain!"

I laugh as we finish our lunch. The first bell rings and we're off to our final classes of the day. Luckily for us, we're all in the same final two periods. But she-who-must-not-be-named is in our final period with us. I hate school.

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