Chapter 15

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It's a Friday night and I'm lying on my bed watching Netflix. I was supposed to hang out with the boys today, but Grayson ended up going out with Lauren. Ethan was still coming over though.

Just as I started to watch Luke Cage, my phone went off. I checked the FaceTime caller ID and it was Ethan.

"Hey E. What time are you coming over?"

On the screen I saw him run a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry Sky. Can we reschedule? I forgot I asked Julie out last week."

I roll my eyes in agitation. He's always hanging out with her. Even after what I told him that night in the hospital. Yes it set him off for a bit. Ignored her at school for a bit actually. Of course the she-devil had to jump in and ask what she did. Cliche. Cliche. Boy and girl makes up. Back to lovey dovey.

"Dude really? You do this all the time now?"

"I know and I'm sorry. I really owe you a lot of Skethan time, don't I? .I promise we'll hang out tomorrow. No excuses," he said sticking out his pinky finger.

I sigh and show my own finger in the camera view.

"Yeah you do owe your best friend some of your precious time. Have fun. I'll see you tomorrow I guess," I say.

"Love you," Ethan says almost apologetically.

"Love you too E," I sigh and hang up the phone.

I throw it onto the edge of the bed and continue on watching Luke Cage. 

Two of my best friends are dating each other and the other one, the one that is oblivious to everything, is in love with a demon on Earth. Oh how I love third wheeling.

I watch a few episodes until my eyes can't stay open anymore. I sleep until morning comes. Let's pray for Skethan to stay alive.


I walk into the local cafe that Ethan said he would meet me at. 8:25. I'm a bit early.

I take it upon myself to order myself some breakfast at the counter. I settle with bacon, eggs , and toast with a smoothie on the side.

Scrolling through Instagram, I wait for Ethan while I wait for my order. I hear someone approach my table and expect it to be  Ethan, but it's only a waiter.

"One bacon, egg, and toast breakfast platter with a strawberry smoothie?" she asks

"Yes that's me. Thank you."

Before I start my breakfast, I check the time and see it's already 8:40. I frown. Why isn't he here yet?

"Person you're waiting for didn't show up?" a male voice says to the right of me. I look up and see a boy, looks around my age. Not bad looking either. Dark hair styled up with blue-brown eyes.

"Yeah. He's always late though. You? Waiting on anyone?"

"No I just come here on Saturdays. My grandparents own the place," the new guy says.

"Oh that's nice. It's a cute cafe. Would you like to join me while I wait for my friend? I'm hungry and it's kinda hard to eat if I have to turn sideways to talk to you," I smile.

"Yeah sure."

He comes over and takes the seat in front of mine.

"I'm Theo by the way," he introduces himself.

"Skylar. But call me Sky. It's nice to meet you."

"Are you new around here? I usually recognize people from around town cause I'm pretty active around here. But I cant remember you and you have a hard face to forget."

"Yeah I just moved here a couple months ago. What do you mean my face is hard to forget? Is there something on it," I touch my face self-consciously.

"Yeah you do," he pauses as I rub my face frantically, "Beauty."

"Woah woah woah. Stop it  right there."

"Too cheesy?" Theo says scrunching his nose.

"Just a bit. Especially since you're saying that to a crispy potato-looking girl you just met."

Theo rolls his eyes and says, "Hey you don't look like a potato. You look like Moana. A strong, beautiful female. Not a crop."

"Don't diss potatoes. They are my kind, my kin," I say putting my hand over my chest, acting offended.

He laughs at this, "And you're funny too. I like you already."

"Same here."

We talk for a while getting to know each other. He's a senior at this school called Davenport Prep making him a year older than I am. He plays football and baseball. He also has a great taste in music. He showed me songs from genres I never knew I'd like.

"Theo! C'mere for a second. And bring your friend," an older woman says from behind the counter.

Theo gestures for me to follow.

"Hey Grandma. This is my new friend Skylar," he introduces me. I offer my hand to his grandma and give her a firm handshake.

"It's nice to meet you ma'am."

"I like her," she says to her grandson, "You can call me Grandma if you'd like sweetheart."

I smile at her. She's so cute.

"Honey will you help your grandpa take in the produce from the food truck?" she says to Theo.

"Um sure Grandma. Do you mind?" he says looking at me.

Just as he says that I see Ethan walk in.

"Not at all. My friend just walked in anyways."

He gives me a hug and we go our separate ways but not before we exchanged phone numbers.

"You're late," I say to Ethan and take my seat.

"Gray wasn't feeling that great this morning. I stopped by at CVS to get him some medicine and then there was traffic on the way here. Who was that you were talking to?"

"Just the owner's grandson, Theo. I didn't wanna be a loner while I waited for your ass to show up."

He looks at me with an "are you kidding me" expression. He looks like a fish out of water.

I laugh and say, "I know I know. Lauren and Grayson exchanged the plague with each other when they stuck their tongues down each other's throats. Chill your tits. Or not. Maybe they'll fall off."

He steals a piece of my precious bacon. Not my bacon!

"You suck Skylar Elizabeth Ambrose."

"Still more than you ever get Ethan Grant Dolan," I smirk.

"Oh shut up. I get something else," he winks.

"Ewwww Ethan!"

We both let out loud laughs. High quality Sky and Ethan time.

"Hahaha oh I love you."

"Love you too Ethan."


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