Chapter 20

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I woke up early the next morning to get ready for school. I did my normal routine. I picked out and outfit I brushed my chocolate brown curls down to a wave and put on minimal makeup. Afterwards I went down the stairs to make myself breakfast.

I'm eating a bowl of the chocolate Frosted Mini Wheats when there is a knock at my door. 6:50. Huh. Lauren's never this early. 

I shrug, thinking that she probably got a good night's sleep. As I'm walking towards the door, she knocks again.

"Chill your tits woman, I'm coming!" I yell from where I am.

"Why are you even here so early anyways you never usually pick me up until arou--," my voice is cut short when I see who's in front of me. Yeah that's definitely not Lauren. "Ethan. What are you doing here."

"We need to talk," he says.

"Uh okay sure. Come inside. Did you have breakfast yet?" I ask trying to strike up a conversation.

"No I didn't but it's fine. I can pick something up on the way to school."

I roll my eyes and look at him, "What type of host would I be if I didn't feed my unexpected guest. Take a seat. Honey nut Cheerios right?"

"Yeah thanks," he says, taking a seat at the counter.

"So what did you want to talk about," I say while getting a bowl and spoon for him. I begin to fill the bowl with the cereal and milk.

"I heard your conversation with Grayson and Lauren last night," Ethan says. I almost drop the milk.

"Oh yeah? Hear anything interesting?" I turn my back to him to put the milk back into the refrigerator.

"Sky I'm sorry about the way I left you that day. I didn't know how to feel and I think I do now." Ethan confesses.

"And what's that? If you've come to tell me that I'm in the freindzone then you don't need to. I've already accepted that. Don't rub it all over my face."

I look down and play with my cereal. He heard the call. He knows it's true. Why does he have to prolong my pain?

"No I came to tell you the exact opposite," Ethan says. My head snaps up so quickly that the Flash would be jealous. "


"After that day I was a mess. And then things got so awkward between us that I thought Skethan would never be the same. So I tried to focus on Julie, get--I don't know over you? But that's crazy cause we were never together in the first place. I want to change that. If you'd let me."

I look deep into Ethan's eyes. They are filled with sincerity. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Why now? I don't want your pity love or whatever it is. I'm not like that. If you want me you have to genuinely care." I say.

"I do care about you . I didn't realize how much you really do mean to me until now."

"Well what about Julie, huh? You just got back together and you're already splitting?"

"Like you all said. She doesn't feel the same way. Time I faced reality." Ethan said before slurping the remaining milk.

I didn't know what to say. I've dreamed of this moment but now that it's in front of me, it seems so staged. So placid.

"I'm not saying you have to give me a response right now, but what I am asking is if I can try to regain your respect. Maybe we can see if this really is for us."

"Alright. We can do that," I say and nod my head. 

Ethan flashed a radiant smile, "How bout I start by giving you a ride to school. Lauren's not coming anyways. She stayed the night and the two were still sleeping when I left the house."

I roll my eyes, "Of course they are. What else is new?"

Suddenly an idea came to mind. My pink lips curled into a smirk. Ethan looked at me with suspicion and intrigue.

"What are you thinking?"

"I think we should have a little throw back Thursday to the day we met on the beach. More specifically to when Grayson fell asleep on the beach." I say hinting to Ethan. 

After a second it seems to register in E's mind as a grin forms on his face that is identical to mine. Great we're on the same page.

"Get in the car loser," Ethan says in a Regina George-esk voice, "we're about to prank a few lovebirds."

I grab my backpack and a hoodie as we walk out the door and make sure to lock it. E connects his phone with the aux cord and we're off. A new day. A new escapade. A new prank.

Ethan and I begin to plot our execution plan as he drives. Suddenly Don't comes on.

"Record this next part on Snapchat Sky and send it to me!"

I open up Snapchat just before the lyrics come on.

Left hand is steerin' the other is grippin' your thigh 

I blush as Ethan bobs his head to the beat whilst clenching his jaw. He reenacts the lyrics, and grabs my left thigh and begins to rub his thumb over the fabric of my jeans.

I looked over at Ethan who looked at me and winked quickly before restoring his focus on the road.

Lord Almighty bless me for my sinful thoughts. Send holy water asap. I need it to cleanse my thigh. And the rest of my body.


Chapter Goal
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