The Nooks

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A buzzing sound came through the intercom and it's Doc calling for Lena and Ray to his office. Ray, who was finished doing some check-ups on the supplies and armory went straight to Lena's camp. He calls out for Lena but there's no answer from her. He went in and found Lena is sleeping. He takes a closer look to Lena face as he was stunned by her beauty. As he is getting closer, his breathe woke Lena from her slumber.

Lena : Hey, hey there, what are you doing...?
Ray : You look beautiful...
Lena : Hey there, handsome, take it easy.
Ray : S-sorry. By the way, Doc want to meet both of us. 
Lena : Now?
Ray : Yes.
Lena : Let me wash my face. 
Ray : I'll be waiting outside, beautiful.
Lena : [chuckle] Such compliments.

Ray step outside of her tent and folding his arms and waiting. He whispers to himself how beautiful Lena. 

Ray : [whisper] Wake up, Ray. She's not yours. Can't believe that I'm having a crush on her.

While Ray is still talking to himself, Lena surprised him from the back.

Lena : Who are you talking too?
Ray : N-nothing. No one. Ready?
Lena : All set.
Ray : Alright let's go.

Along their way to the Doc's office, Ray still try to hold his feeling toward Lena. He can feel his heart beat faster than usual. Is this love? For a second thought, he talks to Lena.

Ray : So, Lena, I'm sorry about what I did back then. Never seen someone as good as you, girl.
Lena : [playful tone] So that's why your face is all red? 
Ray : N-no. It just th-

She wraps his arm and walk closer.

Ray : L-Lena!
Lena : Calm down, handsome.
Ray : We're almost there.

They knock on the door and a voice tell them to come in. Ray open the door and see Doc is talking on the radio. Doc's face doesn't seems so good.

Ray : Afternoon, Doc.
Doc : Ah, yes. Sit down. Coffee or tea?
Ray : Nah, I'm good.
Doc : You must be tired from all the works on checking up. I'll giving you coffee. Cream or sugar?
Ray : It's okay, Doc. You don't have to bother yourself.
Lena : Coffee for me, Doc. With cream.
Doc : Alright, dear. 

Doc bring two coffee cup to his table and sit on his chair.

Doc : Sorry for this short notice but I have received some news from the other camp that they need help from us. Since we're not so familiar with them and only have been with them for the last couple weeks, I decided only to send you two to scout out the camp for me. You will be given one week of time.
Lena : Any news about my father?
Doc : Sadly, they haven't return for the past four days. But I'll tell you as soon as I heard any rumors.
Lena : .....
Ray : So, where are we heading, Doc?
Doc : The camp are located forty miles away and they are referring themselves as the "Nooks". Since this is a scouting mission, I would give you as minimum arm as possible since I want to avoid any dreadful occasion. You will go there by foot to avoid any unwanted attention from the government, wanderers and the mutants.
Ray : Forty miles, that would be two days of walking.
Doc : Once you make it there, you have to respect their etiquette.
Ray : Shouldn't be a problem.

Lena finish up her coffee and get up from the chair, followed by Ray. When Ray reach the door, Doc stopped him.

Doc : I forgot to tell you this. Whatever they do, don't retaliate.
Ray : Roger.

They pack up their gears and went to the main gate. They armed with only a pistol each with small amount of ammunition. Then, they depart for their destination.

[Jake & John]

Soon after the escape, their chopper went into auto-pilot mode and fly them to a place where they only know the name of. After hours of flying, the landed on a small field. 

John : This must be it. 
Jake : Why are we going here anyway?
John : Could ask the same thing but since we're middle of nowhere, it best that we look for the camp. Wait here.

John climb the tallest tree to get a better vision and as soon as he reach the top, he look around for any sign of civilization. Then, he saw a small building with smoke coming out from.

John : Must be the camp.

He slowly went back to the ground and meet Jake.

Jake : Anythinig?
John : If we head over that direction, we would find the camp. Two miles away.
Jake : Alright, let's get moving.

They make their way to the camp. 

Jake : So, dad. I'm sorry.
John : What for?
Jake : Everything. You risked your life for my mistake. 
John : I lost your mother and I don't want to lose you and Lena. You both are the only family I had.
Jake : For the last fifteen years, we're living with the wanderers, dad. I joined a group of teenage soldier so that I earn a place to live among them. But the wanderers doesn't seem to like small child so they treated us badly. I took every punch they throw, every spit they spit so that they won't touch Lena cause at that time I thought that it's only me and her. But she's a strong girl, dad. She always said that you will come for us no matter how long it takes. Living with wanderers was a hell for both of us but at least we're living. Then at one time several years ago, a friend of mine told me that there's a camp where they would take any teenager to live with. So I thought it might be a chance for us to run. Unfortunately, they found out about our plan after one of us are caught trying to escape and revealed every information we had. But the worst part was they killed him. He was fifteen.
John : Aren't you and Lena already left from the wanderers.
Jake : We never were. It's easy to get in but to get out? No a chance. Actually they want us to raid any camp we found for food supplies and guns.  We would use mutants to distract their defense and-
John : And that's why you went to the mutant's lair.
Jake : Sadly, yes. And the camp we're heading right now are the camp we wanted to go years ago, The Nooks Camp.
John : Alright, we're almost there. Head's up. Might be traps all over the place.

They arrived at the building that John saw and it's an abandoned building with creepy vines crawling all over it. Suddenly, they saw a sign of movement on the top floor. They went into the building and carefully scouting out for traps. When they reach the top floor, they found nothing. Out of sudden, the floor where Jake stood begin to crumble and separate both of them.

John : Jake!
Jake : I'm okay!
John : Stay there! I'll find a way to get you there.

John then disappeared from his sight and he patiently wait. Then, a footstep can be heard approaching him from the next room.

Jake : Who's there?!

The footsteps stopped. Jake slowly approach the room and then someone swings a blunt weapon against Jake's face. He falls to the ground and his vision is blurry due to the swing. A woman is standing atop of him and look closer to him. As his eyes get clearer, he can see a pair of blue eyes with blond hair.

 As his eyes get clearer, he can see a pair of blue eyes with blond hair

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"You're in the wrong place, stranger."
Jake : W-wh-what..?

The woman hit his face and everything went black.


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