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John : With one fucking guns that given by unknown stranger could help me face against an army of guards. 

John stood before a door and take his breath.

John : Alright, here goes nothing.

He carefully open the door and immediately aim his gun up front but surprisingly there's no guards. Not a single one of them. For him, that doesn't mean that there are no guards at all since this is one of the important places for the government. He checks every corner he found but to no avail. Suddenly, someone is screaming for their life. Maybe the wanderers, he say. He sneak up at the corner where the scream came from. He slowly leaning his head to see what made the man's scream and only to found out a hallway full of bloods and bodies.

 He slowly leaning his head to see what made the man's scream and only to found out a hallway full of bloods and bodies

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Then, he heard a sound that made from dragging a steel on the floor. The sound getting closer and closer then a man with a katana stopped at the middle of the hallway. His suit stained with bloods. John take his aim at the man and told him to stay down. He raise his head and stare at John.

John : I guess I told you if remember correctly that your thin sword won't scare me. Karl, isn't it?!

Karl sheathe his katana and John slowly approach him while holster his gun.

Karl : Lars sent you. Let's say that you and I are friend for the time being.
John : Why would I trust you after you slaughtered your own men?
Karl : These are not my men. None of them are.
John : Yet, you served the president as his dog.
Karl : Like I had a choice.
John : Everyone always has a choice, kid. And you chose to serve him!
Karl : And you chose to fight against them! Ended up with your son as one of their lab rat!

John fires his gun but misses inches away from Karl's face.

John : You talk about my family, one more time, and I'm fucking sure that it won't miss....

Suddenly, the ground begin to shake and both of them fall to the ground after unable to grip their balance against the tremor. Out of sudden, a huge mutant crashed through the wall. Then, Jake appear and slam the mutant down on the floor. The mutant grab on Jake and smash him against the ceiling. Lars soon came out and kick him out of the building. 

John : What. The. Fuck. Is. Going on?!
Jake : No time to explain. We got to go, now!
Lars : Karl, is the chopper ready?
Karl : Hope so. Follow me.

They run to the rooftop but they can hear wild mutants are chasing them to the top. Luckily there's a chopper for them to escape from the building before it collapse. Karl went straight to the cockpit and lighten up the engine. The rotor are starting to spin. While waiting for the chopper ready to lift off, the rest of them try to fend off as many mutants as they can.

Karl : Get in, now!
Jake : Dad, you go first! Need to hold these monsters from approaching.

John get into the chopper and tie himself with the seat belt. Suddenly, the previous huge mutant appear out of side of the rooftop and rush toward them. Unfortunately, Lars is pinned down but him and he shrug into the helicopter. Running out of choice, Karl has to lift the chopper of the rooftop without knowing that Lars was left behind. The mutant grab Lars and jump high, then slam him toward the building. The building collapse along with Lars and the mutant.

Jake : We're got to go back! 
John : We're leaving! 
Karl : What the fuck is happening?!
Jake : Lars! He's not on board!
Karl : FUCK!

The building collapse into a pile of rubble and Karl control the chopper to hover above it.

John : What the fuck are you doing?! 
Karl : [clench on the cyclic] ......

Then, seems like someone came out from the rubble.

Jake : I see him! It's Lars!

Lars emerge from the rubble and look badly injured. His regenerating ability doesn't seem to function. 

John : What the....

They saw thousands of mutant rushing toward Lars. Lars, with his last strength, pull out a gun from his suit and aiming at the advancing horde. Then, Karl grabs his katana, run toward the back of the chopper and jumps onto the ground.

Jake : Are you out of your fucking mind?

Jake use his power to soften Karl's falling.

Lars : Do you have to, kid....[panting]
Karl : We'll talk about it later.

The horde swarm through the entire area and they are not be seen anymore. Jake went to the cockpit and found a note.


Jake press the button and chopper begin to move away from the scene. John, who still confuse of what happening, went to the cockpit as well and sit beside Jake.

John : Where are we heading?
Jake : No idea but I'm sure its somewhere safe. And far.
John : How did you know?
Jake : Look at the screen.
John : Destination....Nook's camp?


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