My Name is Reaper

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John run from house to house and banging all the doors. He stops at Lars's house and Lars open his door.

Lars : What's wrong, John?
John : Doc, he's gone. Have you saw him?
Lars : N...o...No. Why don't you ask Ray?
John : Alright then. 

John went back to his house. He saw Lena in the kitchen, preparing for the lunch.

John : Baby, have you see Ray? Or Doc?
Lena : Ray is down there, at the basement.
John : Thanks, sweety.
Lena : What's the matter, dad? You've been yelling all over the place.
John : Doc is missing. And where is Jake?
Lena : He's upstair.

John go to the basement floor and found Ray is sitting on a wooden chair, cleaning his sniper rifle.

John : Ray! Is this about Ghost?!
Ray : .....
John : [pulls Ray] Answer me!
Ray : Yes....
John : When did he gone?
Ray : I don't know.
John : Fuck this! Gather everyone and meet me at the garage.

Minutes later, they all gathered at the garage.

John : I want everyone to ready up for this rescue mission. Our main objective is to get Doc out of there, safe and sound!
Lars : We're set.
Karl : Set.
Ray : Lock and load.
Jake : Only five of us?
John : Numbers mean nothing. We'll take one of the trucks here and move out!

They aboard the truck and drive to the San Francisco, where Ghost was last seen by Lars. 


Doc is slowly moving up through each buildings as his cover. Then, he heard a chopper closing by. A few government personnel descending from it by sliding down ropes. There, he saw his supposed to be death old friend, Ghost. Ghost is leading the group to scavenge the whole area. He lifts his rifle and aim toward the group. He watches them as they are closing to his cover. One of them are already enters the building and Doc change his spot. He creeps on him and then silently take him out. The group noticed one of their own is not responding and went to check.
But unbeknownst to them, Doc is waiting at the perfect spot, and waiting for perfect execution.
He lie against the wall and hold his rifle close. Two personnel went in and Doc killed with the rifle. Ghost saw him and shoot at him, but he missed most of the shot since Doc run and dodge the bullets. He chases him all over the building while shooting at him at the same time. After a few catch-and-run with Ghost, he able to get out from the building but suddenly a dozen of personnel are pointing their rifle at him.

PERSONNEL : Drop your gun! Put your hands up!
Doc : Alright, alright.

He drops his rifle but they didn't know he had a hidden pistol behind his back and slowly raise his and at the same time try to reach for it. But then...

Ghost : Don't you dare to think about it.
Doc : Ghost?!
Ghost : Your hands! Up! 
Doc : I come for you,'re one of them? Why?

Ghost knock him unconscious.

Back to John's group.....

They slowly venture through the buildings that are covered with vines. Then, they heard a chopper not far from them. They hide inside the building and wait for any movement. They saw a chopper is leaving them toward north.

Lars : They are leaving.
Karl : I bet Doc is in there.
John : Then, we have a new location. Follow the chopper and it will lead us to Doc.
Ray : Wait! [looking through his scope] The chopper is heading to a building. It's look small from here....
John : Must be their headquarter.
Lars : Or labs. 

They continue with the walking and few hours later, they arrived at the building they saw.

Jake : Who said it was small building?! It's a goddamn skyscraper!
John : We have no choice but to go loud. Jake, Lars, I want you to lead the attack since you're both are not vulnerable to the bullets.
Jake : But still, it's fucking pain!
John : No time to complain, now move!

Jake and Lars rush out from the hiding place and rain the building's entrance with bullets. One by one guards are taken down by both of them until the ground floor is cleared.

John : We have to split. First, I want Jake and-

Suddenly. they heard someone is dragging a steel on floor. Then, a man is dragging a katana, similar to Karl's katana. Everyone is bluffed with the man appearance except for Ray. He knows that man. The same tattoo, same words, across his chest. "DEVIL"

Ray : Devil?!
John : You knew him?!
Ray : He's one of us and was killed few years ago.
Jake : First Ghost, now this. What the fuck is happening?!

They shot at Devil but he seems unharmed by it.

Lars : He's a hybrid.

Devil lift his katana and charge against them. Karl stopped him midway with his katana.

Karl : Forget about the plan. This one is mine.
John : But he's a hybrid!
Karl : Doesn't mean I can't slice him in half. Now go!
John : You heard him, now move up!

They try to run past the fight and Devil saw them. He swings his katana but Karl able to parry it. They run to the elevator and Jake push the call button. *DING* and the elevator's door open. Unexpectedly, Ghost was in the elevator and soon he saw them, he start to fire his weapon against them. Jake endure the bullets and push the door closing button.

Jake : Fuck. [groans] That's hurt.

Suddenly, Ghost crash through the elevator and landed in front of them. Jake grabs him and they're both is crashing through the wall and outside. 

John : Through the stairs!

John kicked the emergency staircase door and he look up.

John : Fuck. Me. 
Ray : What's the matte- Fuck. Me.
Lars : No times to waste, move.

They climb the stair and slowly reach the top floor where they were assumed that Doc is held there.

John : I should- [panting] have do more cardio.
Ray : Nah, you're getting old.
John : Shut up!

They reached the top floor and this time, they saw Red. He's guarding the hallway that lead to the president's office.

Ray : This one on me. 
John : Don't try to act cool kid. We can take this together.
Ray : Doc needs you. I can hold him off, as long as I have to.
Lars : Leave him be, John. Doc is our main priority.

Ray lift his sniper rifle and aim at Red's head. He shoot but Red dodge it for no apparent reason.

Ray : So, you're scare of .5 caliber?
Red : ....
John : Head's up!

John knock Red onto the ground and they run past him except for Ray who is still aiming at him. John charge toward the door and knock the door down. Suddenly, Baz came out from the door and pinned Lars on the ground. Lars knock him off and they're both fighting at the hallway.

Lars : Don't worry about me! Go and get Doc out of there!

John enter the room and he look around for Doc and the president but couldn't find them. Then, he saw a panic room and he think that Doc might be in there. He opens it.....

 He opens it

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Tyler shot him point blank and he falls to the ground.

President : Hello, John.


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