S.O.S Haven

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Renee is running toward John's tent and wake him up.

John : What with all the fuzz, kid...? [yawn]. 
Renee : Haven is under attack!
John : Wha...[shake his head] What?!
Renee : They just made a distress call.
John : Go get Jake and Lena. I go for the others. Meet me at the entrance.

Renee quickly went to the Jake's camp and wakes him up too. She tells him the same thing and they went to Lena's camp. They immediately set their gears up and went straight to the entrance. There, they met John and the others.

John : We have to board the chopper.
Ray : But, isn't that will attract all of them?
John : Our main priority is their safety. We have to get there as soon as possible.
Lars : It's better we walk our way to there.
John : The people of Haven will get slaughtered if we didn't get there as soon as possible!
Lars : They are trying to get you out of hiding! I know exactly how they operate. 
John : Hiding?
Lars : We can't fight the entire government for the time being. Not until Jake or I understand our own mutation and get to used to it!
John : Don't get Jake involve in this!
Jake : Dad, he's right...
John : Shut up! I lost you once and I'm not going to lose you, ever AGAIN!
Karl : Even if we went to save them, it will take turn for worst, John. They want to draw us out. If we all go to save them, who's going to protect them? The children?
Ray : He's right, John. 
John : Then, what about the people of Haven?
Ray : I guess they would have made it out of the town by the time we speak. I know Doc for quiet a long time. He's not a kind person who would just hide and do nothing. There's a reason why he called himself Doc all the time. Once, he was called Reaper.
John : If you were Doc, where would you're hiding?
Ray : Like the Doc said to me before we left, this place is completely hidden. Neither the mutants or the government will found out about this place. 
Renee : Yeah. Usually the wanderers that came here were actually by luck. There's nothing in here except one abandoned building that surrounded by thick jungle.

John went back to the radio's room and send a code back to Haven. Jake followed him and see him drawing lines and lines on a piece of paper.

Jake : What is it, dad?
John : Ray said that he's a soldier once. Only soldiers would understand this code.
Jake : What is it?
John : I send him a location to meet.
Jake : They're coming here?
John : No. The only place that is completely abandoned. Our own home, San Francisco.
Jake : Home? San Francisco? Dad, it's a big city.
John : It was once. The last time I went there, there's nothing but abandoned buildings and cars. No sign of life or mutants. Tell the others, we're leaving right now.

Jake went back to the others and tell them everything that was just happened inside that room. 

Lena : How will we get the message to Doc?
Jake : Dad said that he sent a code to Doc which only Doc will understand it. We have to leave, now.
Lars : How exactly is he going to get message? There's no radio since the town is destroyed.

John appear from behind.

John : He's always carry one. A soldier will never leave their radio, not even if they're dead. Karl, do you have a map of this place?
Karl : Yes, back in the chopper. Follow me.

John and Karl went back to the chopper and Lars scavenging throughout the chopper's interior to look for the map. 

Karl : [exclaim] Ah, there it is. 

He unroll the map and placed it on the floor. He points their current location and John saw San Francisco is few hundred miles away toward south-west. He takes the map and put it in his jacket. Then, he tells Karl to destroy the chopper with the self-destruct sequence. They went back to the camp and tell them to gear up and start moving. Each of them carries a bag of foods, drinks, and ammunition except for the children. 

John : I hate to say this but this will take five days of walking. We have to stay low and quiet along the way. 

The group left their camp and depart for San Francisco.

Meanwhile, Doc's group....

The sun is up and the people of Haven are packing up their things, then they erase their trace to avoid of being followed.

Doc : Mark, come here.
Mark : Yes, right away.

Mark walk closely beside Doc.

Doc : How many of us left?
Mark : Twenty at most.
Doc : We're lucky to survive that attack.
Mark : Thanks to you, Doc. You saved us all. Anywhere, where are we heading to?
Doc : You'll find out soon.

After hours of walking, they stopped right infront of a bridge.

Doc : Look like we're on the right track after all.
Mark : It's look familiar....
Doc : This, my friend, is the Golden Gate Bridge.

Doc : This, my friend, is the Golden Gate Bridge

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Doc : We're stay here for the time being.
Mark : But...why...?
Doc : John is going to be here.
Mark : He's alive?!
Doc : Yes. If the bullets doesn't kill him, nothing will.

Five days had passed and Ray went up to the higher ground for a better vision. 

Ray : The Golden Gate.....Looks like we're here....

He went back to the group.

John : So Ray, what did you see?
Ray : The Golden Gate Bridge. 
John : We're almost there. Move.

They went closer to the bridge then they reunited with the survivors of the attack. Doc greet John with a handshake.

Doc : Good to see you, John.
John : Good to see you too.
Doc : So, what's the plan for now?
John : I knew the exact place for us to settle. 
Doc : [loud] Alright, people! We're moving out now! 

They walk toward the ghost town and after hours of walking, they reached a housing area. John went upfront of the group.

John : Listen up! These houses are empty so feel free to choose one for yourself. We will have a meeting exactly here at twenty zero [20:00]. I will give you the briefing later.

They started to move into every houses they chose while John brought Jake, Lena, Renee, and Doc to follow him back to his house. He tells Lars and Jake to get a house beside his house. They reach the house and John stood in front of his house.

 They reach the house and John stood in front of his house

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John : Home, sweet, home....
Jake : I can't believe that I would live to see this house...
Lena : We're home....
John : We're home.


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