My Name Is Renee Reid

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A splash of water woke Jake from his unconsciousness and he saw the same girl that put him to sleep. He found himself hanging upside down from the ceiling. The girl place the empty bucket and approach him.

GIRL : Why you came here, stranger?
Jake : Why do you care?

The girl punch his body.

GIRL : I have no time to play.
Jake : My hearing are bad, can you comecloser to tell me.

The girl slowly leaning toward his face.

Jake : Closer.

She leans closer.

GIRL : How about now?

Out of sudden, Jake kiss her lips. She surprised by it and slaps his face. Her face is all red after Jake kissed him and Jake smiled.

Jake : First timer, huh?

The girl punch him one last time and storm out of the room.

Jake : I take that as a yes. She's gorgeous. I guess I had to hanging for a quiet awhile.

Half an hour later, The door creak and someone open it. Jake is surprised to see John, along with the girl he just kissed.

John : How are you doing, Jake?
Jake : Why don't you ask her?
John : Alright girl, you can do as you like to him.
Jake : Whoa! Easy! I'm joking. Now untie me. I can feel all my blood are collecting at the end of my end and a little bit of dizzy.
John : He's all yours. Don't go easy on him.
GIRL : Alright.

Lena bend closer to Jake's face once again and unexpectedly kiss Jake which surprise him more than she was.

Lena : A first timer, handsome?
John : Oh boy...

She leaves the room and stunning Jake with his father.

John : You know, Jake, the first time your mother see him she called me a fucking horse. Luckily, that girl called you handsome.
Jake : Cause I am handsome?
John : No, you're still look ugly. Kinda my side of thing.

John walk toward the door.

John : I'll be right back.
Jake : Wait! You can't just leave me hanging. My head about to burst.
John : You're a hybrid.
Jake : Doesn't I don't feel pain!
John : See you at night.
Jake : Da-

John close down the door on Jake and leaving him screaming for help.

Jake : Dad?! Dad! John!!

The girl is chuckling due to the sound Jake is making and then she guides John throughout their camp. The building that they were in were just a deception to confuse any wanderers or government and prevent them to raid them. They reach the center of the camp and he saw dozen of children all over the place.

John : Why there are no adults around, except for you and these kids?
GIRL : Once they were. Until few days ago a group of wanderers able to dodge the traps we set and found this camp. They threaten us for food. I told them that we had limited supplies and a lot of hungry child.
John : Did you seek for help from anyone?
GIRL : Yes, I did made a distress call to the nearest camp which is forty miles away from here. They called themselves the people of Haven.
John : Haven? Are you serious?
GIRL : Is there something bad?
John : No. I lived there for the past few months.
GIRL : Great! But is there any explanation why you were boarding the government's aircraft?
John : Well huh, I was infiltrating their coliseum to save my son and they somehow things goes wrong. 
GIRL : Is Lars with you?
John : I don't know such a name but I do know a man who always carry a katana with him.
GIRL : It's Karl.
John : You knew him?
GIRL : He's a friend of Lars and he saved us numerous times from the attack of the mutants, and wanderers but he can't stay too long.
John : Well, he jumped out of the aircraft just to save his friend against hundreds of mutant that swarming throughout the the coliseum.
GIRL : They said that they will be here few days ago.
John : Why did they help you? They are one of the government's top official. The president's personal bodyguard.
GIRL : Frankly, yes. But they hate their boss too.
John : Any reason why?
GIRL : Lars was betrayed by the president few months ago and turned him into some kind of guinea pig of their experiment.
John : And they decided to revenge against their own dictator huh? But that's doesn't explain why they are helping you, girl. 
GIRL : Karl is my brother. We were separated thirteen years ago but then we met few years back and he's wearing the suit which mean he's one of them.
John : Oh.
GIRL : Can you guys stay here for the time being? We really need someone to protect us.
John : I guess we have to. We'll stay until the help from Haven come.
GIRL : [hug John] Thank you!
John : Hey, go easy there, kid. You're welcome.

The girl went back to where Jake held captive.

Jake : You miss me?

She cut the rope from his feet and he falls to the ground. 

GIRL : Come on, get up.
Jake : Let me lay here for awhile. Oh god, my head are spinning.

She swings a steel at Jake but she's aiming beside Jake's head only.

Jake : Whoa! Okay I'll get up. But first, tell me your name, gorgeous.

She lifts the steel and about to make another swing.

Jake : I'm joking! [standing].
GIRL : Come with me.
Jake : Well, you still owe me an answer.
GIRL : Renee.
Jake : Huh?
Renee : My name is Renee Reid.
Jake : I'm Jake McGrady. Nice to meet you, Renee.
Renee : Now, follow me.

They leave the room and on their way to the center camp.

Jake : So, I hope you like since you're calling me handsome.
Renee : Please don't be silly. Yes, you are good looking but no, I don't like a stranger.
Jake : That's doesn't explain why you kissed me earlier.
Renee : Shut up! Or I put you back in the room and hanging. This time I tie the rope around your balls!
Jake : Okay, okay! 
Renee : Now move, your father is waiting.
Jake : Your father-in-law, precisely...
Renee : I said shut up!

They meet up at the camp and having a supper together with the kids.

Jake : A lot of kids here. I heard about this camp few years ago.
Renee : Yeah, we're gather as many children as we can to stay away from the wanderers.

Since the food became scarce, they had small ratio of food. Then, a small kid is approaching Jake with his plate that has little leftover. Jake knew the kid want his food so he smile and swap their plate while Renee is impressed by Jake's generosity. She smile and the Jake notice that she's smiling at him. She immediately hide the small continue with eating. Jake is smiling back at her. The next morning, they are surprised by the news of intruders from the front building. One of the kids was scouting this morning and heard people are coming. John grab his gun and Jake followed him to the building and wait. Suddenly, John see a laser beaming at his chest but no shot.

John : Come out now!

Then, a feminine voice.

John : Lena?

Lena appear from the building and the laser is gone. She runs toward John and hug him tight.

Lena : Dad, you're alive!
John : Lena, why did you come here?
Lena : Well, Doc receive a distress call from this so he send help. We taking three days walk to reach here and huh...
John : We?
Lena : Well, its me, Ray and two other guys we found last night. They said they were from the camp too. [yells at the building] Hey guys! Come on out! We're safe!

Ray appeared along with two man in suit which surprised both John and Jake.

John : Karl?
Jake : And Lars too?!


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