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Years has passed and the Haven evolved into a well-built city. Transportation, communication and supplies, the mankind has been reborn. Middle of the Haven, a statue was built in honor of Jake and Lars as they sacrificed their life for them. A small young boy, shrouded with a robe, is looking at the statue. He take out the hood of his head.


Then suddenly, a dozen of cops is chasing after the kid and he able to hop on top of the statue.

"Get down here, young man!"
"Give back of what you have stolen!"
"No. It's not his! I saw he snatch it from a lady and I took and giving back to her."

Then, aged Doc appear.

Cops : Mr. President!
Doc : You can leave this to me.
Cops : But sir...
Doc : Do I have to repeat myself once more?
Cops : N-no sir.

Doc smiles and look at the kid.

"Come down, little guy."
"No. You're one of them! My momma says that I shouldn't be with strangers!"
"Tell me your mother's name. Maybe I know her."
"Well, at least tell me your name."
"Connor. Connor McGrady."


[Secret Ending]


A movement can be seen from the rubble of collapsed building and a person is coming out from it. The person went to another pile of rubble and pull out his friend from it.

"Wake up. Time for plan B."

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