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Ray was just back from patrolling around the neighborhood and decided to take a break at Lena's place. He walked into her house and sit himself at the kitchen table. Lena is making sandwich for him and coffee. 

Lena : Here you go, dear.
Ray : Thanks. [take a sip] Any news from Jake?
Lena : No. It have been two months since the last time I heard from him or the others. I wonder how far have they reached.
Ray : Where's Renee?
Lena : She's with Doc. 
Ray : Ghost, Red, and especially Devil. How were they alive is the main question here. 

Then, the intercom is calling for Ray and Lena to present themselves at Doc's office. They went to the office and met Karl along the way. Doc greet them with a handshake each and served them coffee.

Ray : So, Doc. What's the news?
Doc : Lena, have you met a man named Rain?
Lena : Yeah, why?
Karl : His true name is not Rain. As far as I know, he is one of the queen's agent from the London.
Ray : And...?
Karl : They already have the technology to bring dead people back to life. 
Ray : What?!
Karl : And the worst part is, they were gifted with DIE virus which made them a hybrid, instead of a mutant.
Doc : That's true. Even the president himself is a hybrid after what he could do with Jake. He brought him with ease. But, the president took a step ahead of the queen. He able to manifest the mind of the hybrid that he created. Ghost, Red, Devil. And so far, safe to say that they are on our side, for the time being. We won't know when they are going to lose their control once more.
Karl : It's already two months since they were left. Two months of intense training and meditation, I'm sure they will able to get a grip of themselves. Not to mention that Lars is with them.

Then suddenly a man walked into the office and they all turned toward that man.

Lars : We're back.
Jake : Are we missing something?

Lena is so happy to see his brother once more and hug him tight.

Doc : How was the training, Lars?
Lars : Perfect. For the last two months, we're trying to understand the strength we had and how to use them without losing control. Turned out hybrids came in two separate classes. A manipulator and a physical warrior. Can everyone give us some private time to talk? Let me talk with Doc, alone.

They left the room and leaving only Doc and Lars at the room.

Lars : The result of the training is quiet shocking.
Doc : Tell me.
Lars : The manipulator type of hybrids is the who able to perform telekinesis and manipulate their surrounding object. Turned out I'm the mind-freak. Another one is the brawn who only completely rely on their abnormal strength and speed that surpassed human's limit by folds. 
Doc : And the reason why they want Jake so much?
Lars : That's the problem, Doc. Jake is the combination of both manipulator and a brawn. Let's say that he's already transcending to another level of evolution.
Doc : Did he know that?
Lars : No. 
Doc : And what about the rest of them?
Lars : Baz has enormous strength but a little slower than the rest. Devil is the fastest among them but lack of strength.
Doc : Lack of strenght? Ha! Sooner or later, he'll surprised you. I know him for quiet a long time. Anyway, we know that the president want to start a war. He raised an army of hybrids. But after a few raids on their building, I able to retrieve few communication equipment. I contacted Her Majesty.
Lars : You can't be serious?!
Doc : Enemy of our enemy is our friend. It's a risk that we should take.
Lars : How did you get to the queen?
Doc : Surprisingly, the queen's representative contacted us. 
Lars : You can't trust him!
Doc : You knew him, Lars?

Lars stormed out of the room after he knew who was Doc contacted with. It's someone from his past. Someone that changed his life for the worst. Renee open the door and sit with Doc.

Doc : How can I help you, Renee?
Renee : I....uh....[crying]
Doc : Calm down, dear. Tell me, what is it?
Renee : I'm....I'm pregnant....

Doc is surprised by the news that Renee brought and she begins can't stop crying.

Doc : How long has it been?
Renee : Two months. I was trying to comfort Jake with the loss of his father. We were young and stupid and...
Doc : Shhhhh. Calm down, girl. It's completely normal.
Renee : What if the baby is not normal?
Doc : Even if Jake is a hybrid, he's still a human, and always will stay a human.
Renee : Whatever happened, please don't tell Jake or anyone else. Please! 
Doc : You have my words. But please keep informed of any abnormalities especially when the baby is twenty-weeks old. You can leave now.
Renee : Thank you, Doc.

Night comes and she's couldn't sleep and she keeps rubbing the baby bump. Jake noticed that she can't sleep.

Jake : What is it?
Renee : N-nothing. I'll go get some waters downstairs.

She went downstairs and have a cup of water. Then, she puked on the sink and Lena saw her from the kitchen's door.

Lena : Are you okay, Renee?
Renee : It's...I'm fine.
Lena : You sure?
Renee : Yeah....
Lena : Let me help you.
Renee : No..no. I'm okay. I'll go back to sleep. Night, Lena.
Lena : Night....

She went back to the bed and turn sideways. Jake hug her in spooning position and she started to cry.

Jake : Renee...?
Renee : I'm sorry, Jake....
Jake : Why?

She grabs his hand and put it on the baby's bump.

Renee : I'm pregnant.


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