Chapter Two

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Dani's P.o.V

"Oh my god. I feel like I'm going to faint," I said.

"Calm down, this roller coaster is only 898,346 yards tall," Danny said with a smirk. I glared at him. Lord, give me the strength not to punch this boy in the face.

"Danny, shut up. Gosh, you're so annoying."

"You know you love me, babes."

"I really don't, though." And after the last word I said, the roller coaster began to rise up and so did my fear.

Click. Click. Click. Click. All I heard was the clicking sounds that the roller coaster made. My heart decided to pound so hard to the point where I couldn't breathe and when we reached the peak. I sang.

"Amazing Grace. How sweet the sound-" and with that last note the roller coaster dropped.


And of course, on the side of me is my brother laughing and posing for the upcoming picture. Meanwhile, I look like a raccoon who got raped by a gorilla who was on steriods.

When the roller coaster was over. I thanked God.

"Wanna get on again?" Daniel put on his begging face, while waiting for my answer.

"Yeah, sure." One more ride wouldn't hurt....right?

"Dani, wake up. Today is Monday."

I opened my eyes and saw my father hovering over me in his monster truck jammies. What a kid.

"Okay, and today is October 24. Those are both obvious things I don't take interest in, father," I said drowsily, but clearly.

"I understand that in the last couple months. things have been hectic and bad, but one thing I'm not allowing you to do is to disrespect me and not want to go to school."

I stared at him. My dad tried so hard to be a scolding parent that it was funny.

I laughed. "Well, I'll get up just because you thought that intimidated me. Keep doing what you're doing, Dad. You might make it in the comedy business."

I slowly got of my bed and trudged to the bathroom. I did the morning routine and ran downstairs with the guidance of the smell of eggs, bacon, and waffles.

"Morning, Danielle. I made breakfast."

"You only made it because I am quote on quote depressed."

Then, she looked down at the food, knowing what I said was true.

"Just eat. I made lunch for you, too."

After I devoured my breakfast, sticking the bacon in my pocket for later, I snatched the bacon sitting on my mom's plate and ran out the house.

Before I forgot, I texted my ma.

Me: Took your bacon. Love u.

Then, I started to walk to the garage and got in my black Toyota. Then, my mom texted me back.

Mom: I know u would. That's why I kept mine in the oven. And stop stealing. have good day. ily x

                 And after that, I drove off.


Although, I was supposed to arrive at school at 8:15, I came at 8:45. It was my regular time. I parked my car on the street and turned off the engine. I ran to the doors only to bump into the principal, Mrs. Anderlaine. She was hella tall so I had to crane my neck to look at her. And when I did I met her emerald green eyes giving me a harsh and cold glare.

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