Ch 16 Shadow Dragon

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Jaden awoke the next day and remembered that today was the day that he would give the spirit keys to the seven strongest duelists. He then awoke and then got ready for the day. Then Jaden got up for the day and send a message to Alexis asking if he could meet her at her dorm. She answered with a quick yes. Jaden and Alexis meet each other with a hug that would have made all the boys of the academy more jealous than ever before. Then Jaden said to Alexis when she got there. Jaden said "Alexis I know that this is going to sound strange but I know were your brother is going to be soon."

Alexis said "what! You know where he is at this time?" Jaden said "no I said soon so I will know where he will be after we get our spirit keys." Alexis said "what is that?" Jaden said "I will let Sheppard explain it when it happens today ok." Alexis said "sure." So the day went by and at the end of the day Sheppard had called Zane, Alexis, Crowler, Chazz, Bastion, Banner, and Jaden to his office. Sheppard told them about how the Scared Beasts were hidden under this school and the only way to get them was by 7 spirit keys.

Then he said that he needed 7 of them to protect the keys from the wiecked ones but then they took the keys and thought nothing of it. But for Alexis she was worried about her brother and then she at night  walked to the red dorm because Jaden after the meeting that he would appear at night at the red dorm. Then he appeared and transported Jaden, Chumley, Syrus, Alexis to the lava pit and were above the lava but Chumley and Syrus were not as lucky as they were in a bubble that was above the lava.

Jaden said "you go first Nightshroud." Nightshroud said "how do you know my name?" Jaden said "lets just say I have foreseen that you would come here and I will beat you." Nightshroud laughed at this and said "I would love to see you try." Alexis watched as Jaden and the shadow rider started their duel disks and said "duel" Nightshroud draws "Troop Dragon" and subsequently Normal Summons it (700/800) in Defense Position. He then Sets a card.

Jaden draws "Elemental Hero Wildheart" and subsequently Normal Summons it (1500/1600) in Attack Position. "Wildheart" attacks and destroys "Troop Dragon" Since "Troop Dragon" was destroyed in battle, its effect activates, allowing Nightshroud to Special Summon another "Troop Dragon" (700/800) from his Deck in Defense Position.

Nightshroud draws. He then activates his face-down "Call of the Haunted" to Special Summon "Troop Dragon" (700/800) from his Graveyard in Attack Position. Nightshroud then Tributes his two "Troop Dragons" in order to Tribute Summon "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" (2400/2000) in Attack Position. Since "Troop Dragon" has been removed from the field, "Call of the Haunted" is destroyed. "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" attacks and destroys "Elemental Hero Wildheart" (Jaden 4000 → 3100).

Jaden draws "Polymerization" and subsequently activates it to fuse "Burstinatrix" with "Clayman" in order to Fusion Summon "Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster" (2000/2500) in Defense Position. Since "Rampart Blaster" is in face-up Defense Position, Jaden uses the effect of "Rampart Blaster" to let it attack directly, however its ATK is halved during damage calculation ("Rampart Blaster": 2000 → 1000/2500). The attacks hits Nightshroud (Nightshroud 4000 → 3000). After damage calculation, the ATK of "Rampart Blaster" returns to its original value ("Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster": 1000 → 2000/2500).

Nightshroud draws "Inferno Fire Blast" and subsequently activates it to target his "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" and inflict damage to Jaden equal to the original ATK of "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" (Jaden 3100 → 700), however "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" will be forbidden from attacking this turn. Nightshroud then Normal Summons "Attachment Dragon" (100/100) in Attack Position. Since "Attachment Dragon" was summoned, its first effect activates, allowing Nightshroud to equip it onto "Rampart Blaster". Nightshroud then activates the second effect of "Attachment Dragon" to switch "Rampart Blaster" to Attack Position.

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